
By meta players you mean the majority of the community.

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But yet normal and heroic raiding guilds expect it too .

Big true.

The Night Fae campaign was so generic it hurt. Like they started off being like “we gotta help Tyrande get rid of the Night Warrior curse also Drust are bad” and then you could tell that they were like “oh crap, Horde don’t care about this story” so they just chucked Bwonsamdi in halfway through.


Because the majority of players dont want to choose to be bad.

I’ll use my old guild I was in as an example. Great people but they still do not have aotc. Every single person in that guild simply asked what the best covenant was and that was that.


How do you know that you’re not the minority and Blizz is keeping it this way not because they are supporting you but because they don’t give a rodents rectum what any of us think .



People seem to have the mindset that every player has equal potential and the only difference between Heroic Raiders and Mythic Raiders is that Heroic Raiders only choose to use like 40% of their potential.

People of all levels of skill try their best and if they make mistakes in stuff like talent or covenant selection, it’s rarely a deliberate choice and more that they just didn’t know better.

It’s a baffling thing to say when stats pretty explicitly prove that people who pick the meta covenant are the majority by like a significant margin.


They tried, they failed spectacularly because instead of people going “click, done” they added an extra step before where the player looks at icyveins at what the best is and then does “click, done” for a large majority of the playerbase.

Also don’t even bring up lore, oh my god don’t bring up lore to defend covenant abilities being locked. It’s so lazy.

The Kyrian one had a few chapters were literally the same as other covenant chapters but with a Kyrian guy with you. You do the exact same steps you do in the necrolord one. Line for line, quest for quest. Much diversity.

Significant margin almost doesn’t cut it.


It doesn’t even make sense. The Kyrian campaign is literally based around you going and getting the willing cooperation from the other Covenants to help rebuild the thing that makes Kyrians into actual Kyrians.

Every Covenant campaign is like that (except Night Fae for some reason, who just kinda do their own thing). Like the entire point of the campaigns is to show that every Covenant is needed at max strength to defeat the jailer and fix the Shadowlands, and the Night Fae are willing to sacrifice one of their people to do so, but not teach me how to Soulshape?

Come on.

80% of Warlocks are Night Fae because we just really like the gameplay of the conservatory, clearly.

It’s clearly because there is a strong connection between faeries and demons. They are picking for the theme can’t you see that?


Boy are they gonna be surprised when 9.1 comes out

[spoiler] You get to go into the Venthyr and Kyrian bases during quests even if you are not a part of those covenants [/spoiler]

oops still trying to learn how to do it


Mawwalker, the entire shadowlands depends on your ability to beat the Jailer

no… no you can’t use our power that you’ve had it’s not fair it’s ours and you prefer to eat lunch with the Kyrians so make do




[ details=“Spoilers”]
It’s gotta look like this. Change “Spoiler” to whatever you want.

Pull The Ripcord


The first 30s of this video isn’t even a meme, it’s just straight facts.

cool thanks

Prior to this expansion I would be in queues for dungeons and bgs at the same time now with certain covenants being better for some forms of content over others , I can’t get my self to do it this expansion because 2 of my covenants are only good for normal and heroic dungeons as well as lfr . One is good for all pve content and the one for pvp I really can’t get through the snooze fest that is Bastion .

Before Sl I could do all the content I wanted on 1 toon and if I played an alt it was to see from the opposite factions perspective.


Yeah, it’s like “you can be good at PvE or PvP” and I’m like “alright, guess I’m not PvPing this expac”.


Don’t encourage them please. No saving it. Just pull the ripcord


Not PvPing is always the correct choice.

I think I may have done a couple of BGs this expansion and that was around launch . I honestly can’t say the last time I actually logged in during the last couple of months .

( Mostly due to a dislocated finger recovering ) But even then everything has been meh as far as this expansion goes. Not going to say BfA was better because there is more to come but if things stay this way I will put it equal to it .

It isn’t ?

Post on your real account and not your forum alt trolling account to show you know what you are talking about . Because if this is your main account , you have no idea what you are talking about

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