
What is meaningful about a choice that will more then likely be gone in the next year and a half ?

The only meaningful choice in this game is your the class you play . Race can be changed on a toon , faction can be changed on a toon and even gender can be changed but class always remains . Even if you make a new toon and that becomes say your main , the same applies class always stays everything else can be changed.

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Just great.

“Since they’re too lazy to fix it, they should just remove it entirely.”

Yeah, THAT’S the attitude we want to promote in our game developer.

That will lead to such awesome content being developed in the future, right!?

Which is exactly what they won’t do, which is what we have maybe 6000 posts here dedicating saying they won’t do, and they haven’t done.

Would you rather we just keep hoping our way to the next expansion? Like be reasonable here, we’re 6 months into a 2 year cycle and nothing has changed (as predicted in very very very early beta)

In ten years the whole game might be gone! Heck, we all might be dead! NOTHING HAS MEANING! CHAOOSSSS REIIIIIGGGGGNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

There’s always going to be a best, even if you balanced every ability equally they’ve all got different usages, and some abilities just feel better to use.

Like even if Kyrian was equal damage to Night Fae, I’d never go Kyrian on my Warlock because the Kyrian ability is obnoxious to use and the utility in the Potion isn’t as good for a class which already has plenty of defensive options compared to Soulshapes mobility.

So you’d still see most Warlocks be Night Fae because of those reasons.

But yeah, given Blizzards track record on balancing character power, them pulling the ripcord and making Covenants an aesthetic choice is absolutely the best option.


Because in a traditional RPG - there’s only one end-game. WoW is not a traditional RPG. We have 3 forms of dramatically different end-game content.

I’d like to kit out with the covenant powers I choose for the content I’m doing at the moment. After all, we’re helping all of them, are we not? It’s just more fun to see the different combos that could be created vs stuck with one - even if you don’t mind the one you are stuck with.

For me, however, RPG discussions aside, it’s just bad design for the demographic. Who thought it would be a good idea to choose between enjoying how your character looks or how your character performs? Some will get lucky, most will not. It’s a lose/lose model.


Maybe… just maybe… we need to hold Blizz accountable instead of just being good little slaves happily (with some complaints they can easily ignore) slurping up the content.

I’m sure if there were a Mythic Raid strike where people refused to touch Mythics at all for a patch cycle, then maybe Blizz would suddenly find the time to fix the issue.

But that won’t happen because you’re all good little slaves.

He I’m an lfr hero and I hate the covenant abilities being locked . By now I would be doing other things like random BGs but with this system I don’t want to do anything current. To be honest I am only buying 60 day game cards so I can do the ptr and post in here . Now if there is a guild transmog run going on and I’m home for it then yes I might do it but other then that these restrictions have taken the fun out of it for me .

So far from what I have seen 9.1 is not bad but it is buggy as all get out .

At some point there is going to HAVE to be a choice, because we can’t have everything 100% homogenized AND have it be interesting at the same time.

Covenants wouldn’t be interesting if you could just pick and choose your rewards and all that changed was a bit of dialogue and what your character looks like and where your hearth is set, lol.

That would make them boring as frick.

Wow this is such an unbelievably condescending response I don’t even know where to begin here. You realize you’re posting in the 4th iteration of a thread dedicated to calling out Blizzard for a bad feature asking for change and your response is the people doing the content they enjoy (Which you’ve constantly reminded are the tiny portion) … strike?

Then you followup to call me a slave?


Bud, Blizzard gives zero effs about making awesome content. They’re looking to make content that keeps milking us for money so ActiVision can show their investors what a pretty little cashcow WoW is. The least they can do if they’re going to be so brazenly cynical about everything (“What? You guys don’t have phones?”) is let the players choose how they want to play. This half free/half locked down thing clearly isn’t working for them.

Imagine how happy solo players would be if they could grind rep and anima to unlock all of the covenant cosmetics on one character? That quadruples their available content in one fell swoop, and it makes people who enjoy all aspects of the game not feel like they’re actively being punished for doing so.


I’d be okay with that as a stop gap. When you get max renown you can start grinding a new one to have access to it and you can swap between them like specs.

I accept this.

You, as in the playerbase in general. Not you, personally.

I hate how the English Language does not have separate 2nd-person pronouns.

I simply do not care anymore.

I am basing my covenant choices on the transmogs that I like.

I am done with being a spread-sheet nerd.

Imagine being a slave, my dude. Wait, I am one, apparently.

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I suppose that would at least still maintain some choice and actual boundaries between the covenants instead of just dumping the system altogether.

Get renown 40 in one, progress to the next, and kind of “add it to your list”.

My main is a ret paladin that’s 40 in Kyrian.

Okay so she can then start on Night Fae and work her way up, and I can at any given time pick from abilities I have unlocked.

EDIT: Or, at least, Renown 80 since that’ll be a thing here soon™

What choice to meaningfully enjoy game play or meaningfully rp in Goldshire inn if you are alliance or rp wherever the horde does ?

The covenants are just a way to back door spec lock most classes . This is after Ion went we focused to much on nerfing and focusing on specs only so we are giving abilities for all specs of a class can share and focusing more on classes.

Ion doesn’t care about people that play multiple specs , he’s been playing the same one since Vanilla when he was one of the elitist 1% meta players and pretty much the last 3 expansions have been design around how he plays.


Are you really asking why being locked out of a talent choice is upsetting people? Because thats really all this is. A 4 talent row and that we have to go through some stupid bs to change and it impacts us more.

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They tried to add something a bit more interesting than a “click, done” by tying it to lore and making it a themed choice, but apparently that’s not good enough for some people?

I can appreciate what they were trying to do with this, but again, meta players ruin it like they ruin everything else.

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Covenants, like Azerite, are just a watered down less fun version of Class Halls and Artifacts. :woman_shrugging: