
Is this really the best you have for an argument backflipping from “It’s not balanced around mythic”. It’s “what is the 11.5% of the rest of the population doing? eh eh eh?”

Yeah, cause why the hell would I want to grind daily quests and replay content that has zero value to me? That’s not fun, that’s just a massive waste of my time.

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7.6% of the balance are playing Kyrian, the very close but still second best covenant

2.1% are playing Necrolord

1.6% are playing Venthyr.

Can you just take a second and pause and understand those numbers. 1.6% out of 419603 are playing a covenant. How can anyone look at that and say this system is better than if people could just pick based on what they wanted to pledge loyalty too, devoid of any power.


If 11.5% is completing Heroic and Normal with ‘inferior’ Covenants than it’s player perception. If only one covenant is clearing Mythic, than it’s fine, since the game isn’t balanced around Mythic.

The mage numbers are actually hilarious. Now that prog is over a lot of mages are experimenting with frost (after it got buffed also) while fire has been the kingpin all expansion.

Fire mage: 357376
NF(Best Fire): 307428 (86%)
Venthyr(Best Frost): 27218
Kyrian: 13067
Necrolord 9663

Frost Mage: 199864
Venthyr(Best Frost): 100276 (50.1%)
Night Fae: 76997
Necrolord: 11923

These numbers for Frost are also heavily skewed also because many people just can’t be bothered to swap to the best covenant to experiment. What % of mages do you think would swap to Venthyr to experiment with Frost if it didn’t require extra time regrinding soulbinds etc?

Man you really are trying to fit this in everywhere you can eh?

It’s been true ever since the mode was created.

Venthyr is the worst covenant. One of the soulbinds is literally rewarding people for dying. It makes absolutely no sense.

Venthyr hpal is the one good thing holding it up and blizzard is planning to nerf it.

This system is horrible

It’s like you are just trying to prove my point.

Venthyr is the only reasonable covenant choice for enhancement, the other two just feel clunky and garbage.

Of 151091 enhancement data numbers, 112850 are Venthyr. I would say that is skewed also as many resto shamans do content as enhancement like the maw etc so would have logged out as Enhancement while being necrolord.

Oh, there is how it was meaningful. That wasn’t hard to find at all!

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It’s almost like…

Different people offer you different stuff depending on what they have to offer and you have to make a choice based upon these offers.

But these guys are going “Give everybody the same stuff so that everybody offers the same thing and remove any kind of element of choice other than pure aesthetics”…

And to be honest, it’d fit with the lore if underpowered covenants were to step up their game because they’re lagging behind (IE, buff the underpowered ones).

There’s almost no Holy Paladins in Necrolord? Okay let’s buff the Necrolord ability to make them more attractive.

What’s wrong with that. We had that for 15 years before shadowlands came out.


I dunno, what IS wrong with that?

You’re the one complaining about it, not me.

EDIT: Misread your post.

Eh, I wouldn’t say 15 years. But yeah, where do you think all the “homogenization” complaints came from when they started making all the classes the same? lol

So i have to choose if i want to be playing at full power for raiding or m+/pvp. So the system is actually encouraging me to do less content because like i said in the original post, who wants to start a race from behind the starting line?


That’s part of the issue.

But it’s only half of the issue. People just don’t like choosing things that make them weaker.

The kind of person who would consider wearing better looking gear that offered worse stats is the minority in WoW, no matter how disproportionately they’re represented on General Discussion.

Not to say that players don’t care about cosmetics, but form is secondary to function, which is why transmog is such a popular feature, since it means you don’t have to sacrifice form for function.

But then Blizzard completely forgot that lesson when designing Covenants, and forgot that for exclusive factions to sense, they typically can’t be allies with undying loyalty that has spanned most of creations existence.

If Covenants are disproportionately represented to the point where ONE Covenant makes up 80-90% of the entire classes population across all levels of play, it sounds like Blizzard did a pretty terrible job in making that Covenant appealing.


wat. i never complained about homogenization. Infact, I think MoP is the bext expac we had during class balance, and that’s apparently the most homogenized time we had with classes.

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Big facts right here.

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There are lines to be drawn, though, before choices start to not matter whatsoever and that’s always a sad thing to see.

And that’s why Blizz needs to get off their duffs and put some actual effort into bumping up the under-represented covenants instead of just throwing their hands up and saying “I give up” and just letting it sit.

The system COULD work better if they’d put some actual effort into it.

I later edited my post, I misread/misinterpreted what you said.

Some homogenization is necessary but at times I think they went a wee bit too far.

Is that sarcasm?

Because if it’s not… well we finally agree on something at least.

But they won’t, so remove the punishment for swapping.