
Not balanced around Mythic…

Yes and if you are a normal/heroic raider what do they sacrifice for having more damage? oh wait you mean they have to make sacrifices too for aesthetic choices?

Wow that’s crazy it’s not only the top raiding guilds what a great system.

Normal/Heroic Raiding guilds don’t need you to sacrifice your aesthetic choice.

That’s only in Mythic, lol.

And today, eh, if you want to change your covenant, how about not doing it on raid night? I mean it takes what, 5-6 days to get Renown 22+ to get most of your stuff unlocked?

How is it a minority of the player base is we have people going certain coventants to be the best in certain content. Oh, wait. You’re posting on a alt probably because you don’t even do any of the content that matters enough to pick a certain covenant or play style to play competitively.

Why are you even talking to me, or any competitive player for that matter?

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Heroic also has a damage cut-off and hard enrage

If only you played the game :frowning:

If only you played the game you pretend you know.

Honestly you can count the people against opening up covenants posting from mains on one hand in a thread of almost 12,000 posts.

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Yeah, if you think holding back damage meters so you don’t get banned is a better community so you can easily get carried through content, sure.

I’ve never played FFXIV so I wouldn’t know anything about that.

As for general community being toxic I just ignore it. In my personal experience in the game I’ve met way more positive people than toxic. It’s a community so there is bound to be some that just like to cause problems.

My guild there is always fun back and forth about who did the best dps or healing on fights and giving each other crap but never in a malicious way. That’s what I mean by “Healthy”. Just be mature about it and it’s all good.


My guild got to 4H in vanilla, we didn’t clear it, I was one of those that was really disappointed with it being re-used for Wrath as the first raid tier. It was pure laziness, game design is about re-using as many assets as possible to avoid having to make anything new so I get it, but damn.

You can’t really though, because those are PUGs by design. It’s just that the gatekeeping is done by BLizzard itself, and not whoever decides to make the raid and list it. LFR is so hilariously undertuned that you can sleepwalk through it, I don’t know how anyone could find that fun or engaging.

But those are PUGs? I couldn’t fathom playing this game and not joining a guild, like that is just bananas to me. You talked earlier about how this game was supposed to be about cooperation and socializing, right? That’s what guilds are for, likeminded people to complete common goals with.


There’s ZERO chance of that with working remotely they won’t be far enough along with the next expansion.

I enjoy doing random dungeons in XIV, and heck even the raids.

99% of the time, any banter that happens in /p is chill, laid back and even fun.

Setting Savage and Ultimate aside, carries are non-existent. You go there, you do a reasonable job, nobody cares. If a wipe happens, they get back up run back and try again. You don’t see people immediately dropping group or cussing or what-not.

It’s a way better environment.

This is a complete lie, and you know it.

Because you’re complaining about a rod that you made for your own back.

But its more forgiving than Mythic.

Compared to all the Mythic players pretending they represent the majority of the player base?

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Hey guys, did you know Vieria plays FFXIV? Hey everyone get over here they play FFXIV!

If you can tell me how making the covenant abilities a talent row hurts anyone I’m willing to listen.

How would you even know what it’s like, you’re posting on an alt. For all I know, you haven’t done any of the current content. Sorry, I’m done talking to you.


I work a job that has variable, unpredictable hours, and on top of that, I have swings of energy, sometimes I just don’t feel like playing WoW.

I would love to join a guild, but yet at the same time, I’d be constantly on the bench, falling behind, etc because I’m also someone who has alt-itis.

But you know, I like there being an actual hard choice of covenants, because it causes me to carefully consider which covenant to pick, and the abilities I get are a direct consequence instead of another “pick 3 here, pick 3 there” that the talent system is.

Don’t get me wrong, I hated the talent trees with a passion and I much prefer the pick 3 system, but I don’t want that on my covenants, too.

It just occured to me you made fun of me for having time to swap between covenants and level up while you play two MMORPGS at the same time.

Pot meet kettle type situation eh?

Maybe it’s time to wrap it up here and move on ?


Uh, no?

I’ve done several raids and had wipes and people generally don’t say a word, most of the time.

Maybe you’re doing the latest raid on Tuesday… that might be the problem. I tend to do mine later in the week. A wipe or two happens, generally nobody cares because all the tryhards do their stuff on Tuesday. Easily fixed. Don’t do it on Tuesday.

It’s called attention and focus.

I can’t fathom dumping hundreds of thousands of hours into one game, one character.

And I play both of said MMOs rather casually, and I work a full-time job. In fact, in XIV, I’ve actually been mostly away from the game, taking a break for a few months because, yanno, you can actually DO that in that game and not feel like the rest of the expansion is hopeless because you’re too far behind to do anything.

You can always set it aside and pick it back up later and it’ll feel more fresh.

I don’t raid LFR, but thanks for assuming so. Nor do I pug my raids.

You said “that’s a lie” (I assume you were talking about my comments about XIV’s raiding and the lack of toxicity) and I was talking about doing XIV raids on Tuesday.