
Dear God, you have way too much time on your hands if you were able to do all of that by now, sheesh.

Why is it always the no-lifers who are complaining about this kind of stuff?

Wrath was also the death of the server community, so there’s that.

Nah, that was CRZ which was, IIRC, implemeted in Cata?

LFD didn’t kill the server communities, CRZ did that. In Wrath, you still had server identity, it just didn’t take 5 hours to get a group to do a heroic dungeon.

Most players are active in Normal and Heroic raiding, so that’s where the focus for balance is going to be. It’s not balanced for Mythic because hardly anyone attempts it. It’s the ‘mini-game’ for PvE’rs.

So, after you’ve finished insulting me what i do in game feel free to actually answer my question. How exactly was it meaningful choice? What aspect of me freely swapping and doing all the campaigns and playing all the abilities was meaningful?

It’s always been like this though. Even in Vanilla and it was just one server (Not cross-realm) there was a lot of “Who can down Lucy first!” And then the next boss and so on. That was on both sides, not just against the opposing faction but against the same faction.

It’s a game and there will always be competition about who can pull the bigger numbers within a group. Whether it’s your own group or against another group.

Healthy competition isn’t a bad thing. It makes you get better at whatever it is you’re doing.

You can still do that AND be competitive at the same time if you’re mature about it.

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This never changed. This is a game. People have competitive mind sets. I’ve had a competitive mindset ever since I left my guild in the Burning Crusade to join a better guild that could actually clear content. What I find fun is grouping up with homies, and downing content without carrying the officers, the guild master, and the guild master’s wife because they can’t pull their weight so they use their guild influence to get them carried through content.

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To be honest, you shouldn’t be able to swap at all, but Blizz thought they’d be nice and allow swapping with some work.

The choice is meaningful enough that you’re encouraged to carefully consider because MOST people that aren’t you, and people like you aren’t going to be willing to swap on a whim like you did.

In the end, not even classes are “meaningful choices” when you can just level 1 of each class, and heck, Alliance/Horde isn’t even meaningful if we apply the same logic.

There has to be, at some point, a place where you can draw a line. I feel the amount of work you have to do to switch covenants is meaningful enough IMO. It strongly discourages willy-nilly swapping but still allows you to if you feel you messed up. If you want the other 3 covenants’ transmog, just roll another character.

Oh, sounds like the system isn’t restrictive after all. Why does it need to be changed?


As toxic as the general community is in WoW, I don’t trust there’s very much “healthy” anything in its community.

What do you think this is, FFXIV? lol

Nah, this was the nail in the coffin and it was Wrath that introduced it. What came after LFD? LFR and CRZ. These things didn’t happen in a vacuum. Wrath also had a hell of a lot more content, lore and story-wise.

But if you’ll recall the launch of Wrath was riddled with anger because the first raid tier was a re-used raid from vanilla with re-skinned armor, and it sucked. It was cleared in no time, even by the most casual and laid-back of guilds.

You know what else was introduced in Wrath? Gear score. And then Blizzard baked it into the base game. I remember the hundreds, probably thousands, of topics from casual players complaining and whining endlessly about how unfair it was that gear score was being used as a way to keep people out of raids and dungeons.

I get what you’re going for with the comparison, but I think you have rose-tinted glasses on when it comes to Wrath.

There is no meaningful choice if broadsword does +3 damage, but you have another broadsword that does +5 damage. This is covenants right now.


And that’s fine, but players clearly have a threshold for their content considering that more clear Normal and Heroic than Mythic.

It’s good that you’ve found like-minded people, still doesn’t mean the PvE is super competitive.

And it doesn’t mean it can’t be super competitive either. I know plenty of games other than WoW where the PvE mode is competitive, and you’re kicked if you’re not playing to a certain meta. WoW isn’t any different, and its been that way since Vanilla.

Remember ret paladins in vanilla, balance druid, shadow priest? None of these classes were taken into raids in vanilla. PvE is competitive, and always has been. You’re delusional to think otherwise.

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[quote="Annorah-thrall, post:11974, topic:617401]Nah, this was the nail in the coffin and it was Wrath that introduced it. What came after LFD? LFR and CRZ. These things didn’t happen in a vacuum. Wrath also had a hell of a lot more content, lore and story-wise.

But if you’ll recall the launch of Wrath was riddled with anger because the first raid tier was a re-used raid from vanilla with re-skinned armor, and it sucked. It was cleared in no time, even by the most casual and laid-back of guilds.[/quote]

A re-used raid that very few people ever cleared while it was current content in Vanilla, get it right.

Most of the “been there, seen that” were TBC players who over-leveled the raid because they couldn’t do it at Lv60.

The ones complaining about there being minimum i-level requirements in dungeons were just whining about nothing. However, I will admit that this is where pugs started demanding unreasonable stuff to PUG, and I’ll say it again: The Pug Scene has always sucked.

This is why LFD and LFR are such beautiful inventions, you can get rid of the pug scene entirely with those.

Maybe, but for me, Wrath was the point where I could finally engage in dungeons and a little raiding thanks to LFD and when Cata’s LFR came out, I started doing Raid Finder too, because, again, PUG sucks, and has always sucked.

Yes it’s great, all it required me was to lose all my followers, my soulbinds and access to my best ability to swap to a weaker covenant.

Not everyone has a guild like mine that kills bosses as fast. I’d be in some hot water if i was a DPS who loses 10% of my damage without asking anyone and we started missing enrage checks on bosses.

Not restrictive at all though guys!


That’s a minority of the player base. It’s fine if you want to be super competitive, but it’s not indicative of the player base as a whole.

And that’s fine, but it’s a minority of the player base. Barely anyone raided in Vanilla to begin with. Classic just demolishes this claim also.

Hey, if you wanna be in a top raiding guild, you gotta make some sacrifices, such as aesthetic choices.

Seems par-for-the-course, as some of these top raiding guilds want you to sacrifice your real-life schedule for them to go along with it.

God i love when all the people who defend blizzards bad systems and changes somehow manage to shoehorn FFXIV at every chance.

Hey, I can’t help it that FFXIV has a far better community that is far less toxic?

Is that somehow my fault?

Maybe you should actually take a deep look into how that game works and you’ll see why that game has almost zero toxicity in anything but the Ultimate scene.