


#PULL THE FOOKIN RIPCORD - How much negative backlash do you need Kathleen Kennedy starwars level skull density displayed by Blizz


Swapped to Kyrian, leveling up my covenant for the third time.

Very meaningful. “Do you want to swap… yup”

ok now ur kyrian


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I hear that Malcik.

Covenant specific Legendaries are not the way :frowning:

Let people get the covenant ability before level 48! I want my level 40 twink to have resonating arrow too!

Make it a level 10 talent - there is space for it. And people should learn how to use the craziest spells in their game early in the leveling process.

OP, I want you to name one game, AT LEAST ONE game that pulled a major content system out and it was received positively by the community.

I dunno, the DLC in Oblivion still exist.

World of Warcraft:
Artifact weapons

damn that was hard.


Diablo 3’s original RMAH.


I have no idea why they canned them.


If they just pulled the ripcord in the Beta when almost everyone was asking for it, maybe some of my friends would still be playing WoW instead of taking turns trying to snipe housing in FF14.


You think this system was well received?

THis exact thread was warning Blizz of the issues way before Shadowlands even launched .

What people said here would happen , happened.

We called it early on when we said once SL launched and people that were going naw leave it as is would change their tune after the expansion launched and lo and behold a lot of them are now saying pull the ripcord.


Because Blizzard has to keep reinventing the wheel because ???

Throwing away class halls after 1 expansion was insane. Class halls were the absolute best way to transition into no Horde vs Alliance garbage.


Diablo 3 Monster Power. Legion and WoD pathfinder. MoP dailies. WoD apexis grind. Does anyone miss ANY of these things?

Oh, the synthesis league mechanic from PoE. Why didn’t you give me a more difficult challenge, dude?

Ohh Diablo 3 greater rifts.

At the very least it was more entertaining than sitting on an alliance boat I didn’t even own.

Why isn’t he responding? Is it because he asked for one game and I gave him multiple? Did I mess up?


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We could keep going too by going further back. There was a time when expansion content actually had to be good for people to buy it.

Well, he was asking for games that had content removed that was positively received by their communities. When blizzard makes good expansions, they generally need to remove fewer things. And, genuinely, Shadowlands is almost a good expansion for me. But, the covenants just make me sick to my stomach.