
I like the idea of it, I think it would’ve been better if the soulbinds just affected your covenant abilities and not anything else and had extra things like the covenant armor set bonuses because some of them are cool.

Remove conduits (idk why they bothered tbh) and make each of the soulbinds have twice as many rows. basically acting as our second “talent tree’s” that we unlock gradually. And also make it so we actually learn stuff about our soulbinds - they know everything about me yet I barely remember their names like wth.

Exactly. They needed to pull this damn ripcord no later than a month or two in, yet they’re still stubbornly refusing to do so and I think I would be enjoying this expansion 10x more if they just did that.

Me: dial 1-800-Thanos
Thanos: yes mortal
Me: #pulltheripcord
Thanos: I am inevitable snaps his fingers
me: Is it over? because I knew it was worth it!!

As long as they turn Soulshape into a mount of some type that Night Fae players can use; and give Paladins / Druids / Shamans the ability to use their Soulshape in lieu of Ghost Wolf / Travel Form / Divine Steed; I’m pretty chill on keeping things as they are.

But if they pull the “LOL. Deleted” crap I know a lot of people who are gonna be pissed.

Also Glyph of Stars really needs to be updated to use the Night Fae / Soulshape effect.

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I feel like once Shadowlands finishes, like in all previous expansions the borrowed power will just become obsolete.

Or they’ll be like Covenant Powers and abilities will only be allowed strictly in Shadowlands.

But the Venthyr are really sad you left them right? I’m sure they’re hostile towards you and don’t want you to help them, right?

Soulbinds and Conduits were basically Blizzard realizing that objectively some abilities are just outright better and there needs to be some sort of way to balance that out.

But in reality it just meant that if your class abilities weren’t great (like Warlocks), you just went Night Fae because Niya is OP as hell (as is Soulshape).

It’s no different to Blizzard implementing Essences as a bandaid system to Azerite back in BFA, except you’ve got a gash on your left leg that needs stitches and the bandaid was applied to your right leg.

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I also don’t need covenant abilities! They keep trying to give me extra buttons that I don’t want :angry:


As a traditionally immobile class, Soul Shape has definitely grown on me.

It’ll be hard to give up.

As for Soul Rot? I don’t care for Soul Rot. The most useful thing about the ability is the Mastery steroid Niya gives me.

God what are wheelchair classes going to do when soulshape bites the dust? People are getting so lazy with mechanics just soulshaping out at the last minute.

I don’t think I can ever go back to a world where I can’t make fun of Kyrians for being slower than me in the DOS corridors.

My entire self-esteem is now built off the fact I’m not the slowest class in the game anymore.


:clap: :clap:

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9.1 PTR in two weeks, hopefully they remember to #PullTheRipcord.

Blizzard could really use a free goal here.

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#PullTheRipcord classic poster edition.


Covenant only legendaries absolutely AINT IT Blizzard…


#pulltheripcord, delete all of Shadowlands the biggest mistake next to adding pandas an vulperas to the game



Put the class/general covenant abilities into a talent tree, let us pick whatever soulbind, let us change covenants freely, let us choose which covenant gets renown, let us upgrade/buy stuff from each covenant. PLEASE!



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It’s not just you - I promise.

Honestly, I’d be fine if they just got rid of the entire failure of a covenant system. No soulbinds, no conduits, no covenant abilities.

Of course doing that would mean they’d have to attack the real problem - you know, balancing classes so that they didn’t feel obligated to pick certain covenants for abilities that the classes need… so much so that once this expansion is over and we no longer have these abilities they’ll have to revamp everything to address these glaring deficiencies in play and/or make some of these into baseline capabilities … and then create a brand new gimmick borrowed power system that most people just don’t want… that they will then struggle to balance again because it’s adding 3 more layers of garbage complexity that require balancing 36 specs across however many types of content and things designed … and oh right, between handling the massive bloat in the code that supports the ridiculous number of systems as well as the workload required for developing them and implementing them into new content, well just expect it to take 3x as long to get any new actual “content” in the form of dungeons, battlegrounds, quests, or anything that you would usually consider the fun stuff in a game…

They’re literally making their own jobs worse and more difficult.

But you know what’s even more hilarious? It’s approaching 12k posts in this thread, and instead of pulling the ripcord they’re actually doubling down on nonsense and adding the covenant-specific legendaries.

It takes a serious level of detachment from your customers to respond like this.


Hell yeah now you’re talking.

God i hate this so much, so so much.

Problem with Blizz is , they are that supervisor that goes see the manual says it will do this and in theory yes it will but in practical applications it won’t but they think in theory and practical applications are the same thing.