
There was a total uproar when the Waredrobe got announced don’t you remember. Everyone was spitting flames!!!

Ah, I totally misread that. Well RTS games did that all the time and people still enjoyed it. WC3 was missing all kinds of things from WC2.

My shadow priest started as necrolord, cos its generally solid in PVE.
Then, I wanted to pvp and realize how crazily strong mind games is, so I swapped to Venthyr, got my elite weapon.
Swapped to night fae to finish the tier.
Effectively releveled my covenant 3 times.
After trying the 3, I can assure you the power gap is massive.
Pvping as night fae priest makes me want to puke, not the difference of 1 percent these forum dwellers are claiming, not even remotely close.
Guess what? I stop Pvping altogether because its not fun to play handicapped, and your team be like huhduh no mind games are you trolling?..
Meaningful choice? You mean, you opt in for 1 content type and that’s the choice you make??


way to beat a dead horde with a stick…

This topic has been cried about for too long, we got 9.1 on the horizon, cut Blizz some slack until after 9.1 is here and see if things improve or not, then resume the crying if the later.

It’ll most likely be like the azerite system in BFA or the AP system in Legion, they were completely hated in their respective x.0 patches but improved with each new patch.



The only time AP was good in Legion was right at the end when you could basically ignore it since one WQ basically unlocked your whole artifact.

Azerite was a dumpster fire from start to finish.


You mean accept the terrible system as it is and hope it improves subsequently at 9.2 9.3? When it could have been now??

Legion AP was terrible at launch, it was absolutely alt unfriendly let alone spec. You are basically lock onto 1 spec.

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Just so we’re clear everyone here can guess what covenant Ravens is because he is a hunter.

I checked for you and yep you’re right - What a great system :laughing:


They have such a great opportunity to let the player pick the story they actually care about, and instead have a system that might force the player to pick a story they hate. It’s mind-boggling.


Azerite, Essences, and Corruptions were bad.

There were a lot of complaints about fundamentally poor design aspects. Some time later there was some attempt at alleviating how painful they were. They were basically bare minimum responses.

At no point in the development cycle did anyone with enough power say, “You know, maybe we are approaching this wrong.” Instead they doubled down and added more systems on top of it.

A thread this large and they’re doubling down with covenant specific legendaries as if nothing has happened.

I’m a Night Fae Troll Affliction Warlock. The only way I could be more out of place in Ardenweald is if I were Undead (I race changed a while back) and wearing a shirt that read, “I burned down a World Tree and all I got was this stupid shirt.”

World of Systemcraft seems to be the future.

They’re trying to tune Druids with how powerful Convoke is, along with certain conduits and soulbind slots. They’re nerfing Affliction and some conduits due to a strong amount of synergy.

After Shadowlands, they’re going to have to re-tune Druids to make up for losing Convoke, conduits, soulbinds, etc, the things they are now tweaking talents to adjust for having in the first place! After BfA they had to adjust Warlock Destruction talents due to the importance of certain Azerite traits for the spec to function properly.

I honestly cannot understand it.

They are creating their own extra workload balancing things that a lot of people just don’t want! Shockingly delivering new content is taking longer and delivering less.

Yay, we have four covenant campaigns to follow so that our character only gets to experience 1/4 of them meaning you have to deliver 4x the storyline! Also with covenant rewards, 4x the models for items, pets, and mounts!

Yay, we have player power covenant choices that mean we have to choose between enjoying our transmog/story/fantasy and choosing how to maximize our abilities!

I can’t fault them for trying something new. I can fault them for not learning from the mistakes of the past, but whatever, some people have to touch the stove a lot of times.

But right now, not only have they wrapped their fingers tighter around the stove coils, they’ve actually thought that maybe if they grab the coil with their other hand as well it will be better.

You gave it a try Blizzard. Let it go. Pull the ripcord.


It feels like since Legion on anything we like or want as players gets nerfed or removed and if it is something they bring back for us , it has to be touched by the monkey’s paw first and anything we don’t like such as the systems gets doubled down on.


What they actually did was double down on this nonsense. suuuuucks

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first i choose my covenant back when kyrian was stated it was going to be bis for hunter, secondly i use dreamweaver as my soulbind, even though sims say i should be using nina or whatever their name is, as i like dreamweaver better


The fears proved to be completely unfounded and people need to stop whining. Stop asking for blizz to make everything homogenized and boring.

No need to they do that fine on their own . Now being able to use any of the covenant class abilities for my class with any covenant I choose and it’s soul binds to me would be exciting . Instead of 3 builds based off of one ability and 3 soul binds , I could get 12 possible builds off of 4 abilities and 3 soul binds.


Pull the ripcord.

This isn’t working out. There is no meaningful choice, just the annoyance and frustration caused by the limitations of an arbitrary system that’s not even supported by the story-line.

Blizz claimed they would balance it, but we all knew they couldn’t. Now they’re just trying to layer even more crap on top of it. Just give it up ffs.


Instead of actually fixing problems , Blizz tends to scope creep and add more layers to the problems before they eventually go yeah this doesn’t work and fix stuff just before going into the pre-patch for the next expansion .

People say we are insane for thinking the out come Blizz does will be any different but that also makes Blizz insane for thinking their systems will work when the past has shown to be different .

Can’t wait for them to inevitably listen to feedback and actually pull the ripcord in 9.3 just in time for the new expansion.


#PullTheRipcord… 10 days left of sub edition.

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Bliz: We have finally decided to give the players what they want and will be pulling the ripcord with the 10.0 pre patch
Players: :man_facepalming: