
Thankfully not, just the impression I get from your posts on this topic.
Forum trolls always tend to be uninformed.

I see, and yet

so I suppose when you say:

you are probably more right than you intended to be.

Pretty much answered your own question . It’s Blizzard

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It’s not that it has never happened, it is that there is no earthly reason to write it so it falls in line with a confluence of history, sociology, psychology, et all to the detriment of player satisfaction.

We surely can agree on some basic things:

There is a selection of players that put character appearance first.
There is a selection of players that put performance first. (regardless if they can deliver on that or if it is needed)
There is a selection of players that do both.

In game the players on the first line, get badgered for poor performance choice.
In game the players on the second line do not enjoy their covenant, or may have to switch, repetitively, or actually just cannot enjoy more than one form of end-game content.
In game the last set of players are just eternally dissatisfied.

There are exceptions, certainly, but the broad framework is realistic. So, I feel it’s a poorly designed system, in which the majority of players from all playstyles are inevitably dissatisfied. Here we have a chance in 9.1 to address it, and broaden the number of players that feel good about the system’s results for them.

I want Blizzard to do that. Open it up. Divorce appearance/flavor from player power.

Keep replying on that level 10 alt, really making your case.


Blizzard listened to feedback on the Valor Cap and made a change that everyone is celebrating.

Radio silence in here Blizzard, what gives?


As long as it takes.

Now that prog is over, I’ve swapped from my best covenant Necrolord covenant which is Night Fae, It’s great to be able to do more covenant campaigns because it’s a completely different story but damn if it ain’t lame this could have been handled differently.


My guild is progging slower, and we’re just now getting to the point where mages wanna swap from fire to frost. I bet it’d be fun if they could be venthyr for frost. Can’t have that, though. Fun has no place in this game.



I already don’t like sl that well, being able to do the quests and have the mog I want on who I want, without having to chip away at my numbers would be great.

If not, I’ll do my weekly on my rDruid and go back to farming old content.


Let’s get this ball rolling. Pull The Ripcord for a better 9.1

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The issue is that you should pull the ripcord just a bit after jumping out of the plane.

Pulling it JUST before you smash into the ground isn’t going to do much good for anyone.


Such an appropriate analogy. At least you might suffer severe damage instead of being dead.

still counts right?

When Ion said pulling the ripcord would unravel the system ,he didn’t mean the covenant systems.

He meant the system that keeps people chasing what ever the current meta covenant is for any given class/spec resulting in people playing and keeping those time played numbers up for the investors.



Man thank god they spent time creating conduit energy and glorified talents being chained to covenants right? Glad to be looking at a potential AUGUST release for 9.1



It is amazing that after all this time we still see the same misconception that we saw back in beta from people who are against the #PullTheRipcord movement.

The fact that you can switch with time should break your immersion, if at all. How is it feasible that the famous maw walker suddenly wants to join a covenant months (I say months, who knows how long in SL) after the arbiter broke down without having to go through some background check? Surely he/she must’ve been doing something all this time? And how is it feasible that your leaving a covenant being considered “betrayal” not contributing to all your sanctum upgrades being purged?

Also let’s not forget even if you do care that much about immersion being able to switch covenant has exactly zero impact on you.

I think the game would have been just as good or even better without the entire soulbind/conduit system but that’s just me ;/


True story, I went from Baroness on my shaman to Winter Envoy in 2 weeks. Very immersive wowo and all i needed to do was do LFR/Normal/Heroic and quest to get it.

They sure didn’t seem to mind giving me the highest level of their covenant in real short time.

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Thats…too far.