
Ended up making a mm hunter for each so I could see all of the stories and for possible mogs. This toon may be sitting out any serious raiding beyond lfr because I put him as necro . Would of made extra toons for possible mogs no matter what but would of preferred to do all content on this one.

I guess when we told Blizz we wanted alt friendliness they thought we wanted more alts of the same class , when we meant we wanted to try different classes.

I swapped too.

It was the worst feeling picking my first covenant because it wasn’t what I wanted in the first place for identity - and my second choice compounded on that.

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Just switched covenants too. Painless and easy. Threw away 10,000 anima and 15 lost souls and don’t even care, because it’s just cosmetics. I’m actually planning to switch back to my original covenant in a month, so I can catchup back on renown (again) to be ready for the last conduit tiers to unlock.

Not sure what all the fuss is about. Pick the covenant you need and switch on a whim. You can catch back up in a day or two of hard work.

For me it was a bit of a gamble. I ‘assumed’ kyrian would be toned down some or that Venthyr would get a buff. Maybe that will still happen. Regardless, Venthyr ended up being average for PvP and seriously terrible for PvE. The frustration for me is that they aren’t even in the same ballpark. Kyrian is amazing for PvP and pretty decent for PvE in raid and M+. I really enjoyed the Venthyr zone and the story is a bit more appealing.

So I swap… and lose it all. The only thing I didn’t lose were the levels gained on Meatball and Croman. Everything else is gone though. Weeks wasted on a failed Covenant. To add insult to injury as well, Venthyr mission table was seriously trash. Had 4 level 34 followers and was still failing level 24 silver missions. Complete trash.

I get its the holidays and maybe a lot will change in the coming months, but holy hell are they punishing players for wanting to try something or take a chance. Nah should have just done what everyone else was because it was clearly the winner.


LMFAOOOOO HAHAHAHAH. This was absolutely good

Bliz response: #pullmyfinger

I don’t even know how they going to balance this mess of a system,there is no meaningful choice when one covenant is far superior then other and I ain’t going switch covenant to regrind everything from the start,who got time for that.


Or wanting to play multiple specs, or multiple roles, or multiple types of content…

The disrespect is unreal.


That’s honestly what it is. Complete lack of respect for the players time. Sucks.


Man, I hear the necrolord shaman ability is pretty good for raid. Wish there were some way for me to try it out without completely abandoning chain harvest. Anyone here got any ideas?

Its been fun being tempted to go Kyrian each time I tank or want to tank this week for the option to have just one necrotic reset. Overall I’m mostly satisfied with my choice on venthyr, but when an ability is relevant it sure feels very relevant. It’d be nice to be able to seriously consider doing rated pvp too, but venthyr mist won’t help much with that.

Literally just saw a Fire Mage ilvl 207, get instantly removed after being summoned in the H Sludge PuG I was in for being Necrolords and not Night Fae…

This is the system that Blizzard says is a huge success… this is what they are promoting…

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Well given Blizzard’s track record they’ll nerf everything else down instead of bring the others up.

wtf I tried to quote you and it auto-edited my post for me? That is some NOT COOL big brother stuff.

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Honestly… be better then how it is now.

The balance between covenants is atrocious.

We have issues such as Night Fae being basically mandatory for fire mages because the CD reduction perfectly complements the spec’s design, and any other choice is objectively wrong.

Then we have every tank going Kyrian because the vial removes necrotic and is a powerful heal. No other covenant provides such a powerful benefit in combat that is useful in all content.

Then there are warlocks whose Venthyr covenant ability is a dps loss to cast unless there are 5+ targets. Talk about undertuned.

Knowing Blizzard, they’ll “solve” this problem by nerfing the abilities into uselessness instead of fixing the core issue of some covenants being completely non-viable.


My main use to be Venthyr Warlock…switched to Necrolords, still under tuned compared to Night Fae or Kyrian… but I’ll be dead in my hard cold grave before my Lock goes Night Fae or Kyrian.

So is Blizzard just ignoring the fact that the factions are COMICALLY IMBALANCED for the adventure table?

They really just didn’t give a crap about making sure covenants wouldn’t suck did they? Azerite all over again.

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Just dont quote the entire post and it wont edit you - trim a few words out or whatever. Stupid system.

Oh man, this thread is still going?




Just make covenants cosmetic, remove the borrowed power spells completely.