
So 778 people are salty you saying? lmfao. No comment.

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Man so much of this expansion has turned out super half-baked.

  1. Torghast is boring chore content, I don’t know anyone personally who enjoys the slog of going in here. The bright side you do it first thing of the week and can ignore it the rest so by default is more enjoyable than grinding visions (Also no currency)
  2. Maw still atrocious content. Not threatening, just boring.
  3. Covenant content woefully lacking. Maldraxxus construct is just extra set of dailies.
  4. Daily quests are so boring.

But hey least the raiding and pvp is :fire: so thanks blizz.


For anyone who talked about having the worst covenant/best covenant won’t change anything we killed Mythic Darkvein (World 86th) 1 second after the hard enrage because our DPS comp isn’t super meta. If any of the raiders in the guild had been a non optimal covenant we would have wiped instead.


This, more than anything, is the reason I’m astonished the expansion didn’t launch with the ripcord pulled: the most impactful ability in a class’ toolkit will very often be amazing in PvE while being entirely useless in PvP, or vice versa.

The hassle of switching covenants will make people not want to do it, and then probably unsub when they realize they’re locked out of a large chunk of the game’s content.

WoW literally spent years giving players the power to be as flexible as possible, only for them to suddenly bring us right back to vanilla spec switching.

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Outside of doing quests that send me there seeing how there is nothing that great about the MM BiS Legendary (Ooh it gives a free serpent sting when you use aimed shot) I really don’t see much need to do Chorghast

Exactly the situation with Resto shaman.

Necrolord is by far the best for PvE but on the flipside is automatically the worst for PvP and M+ due to there being no dps attached to it.

Also, hunters in arena :laughing:

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I pulled my ripcord… that’s the last time I eat at Taco Bell…hic!

I disagree. I think this is, by far, the best expansion this game has ever seen.

While it would be nice , i’d rather give them a shot at balancing this hot mess before actually going through with that plan.

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You’re more than welcome to disagree, it doesn’t change the fact lots of the content is clearly half baked and was changed in a rush at the end of beta.

You can’t even summon in Mythic still even despite them saying it’s fixed and the hunt is bugged 9/10 times. These are pretty basic things.

MoP is far and beyond my favourite expansion still, even if the raiding and PvP is better in Shadowlands.


This troll thread still hasn’t been locked by mods? Smh :grimacing: :-1:t2:

How is this a troll thread?

Sorry you must be confused and lost friend.

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Covenants are fine blizz doesn’t need to change anything.

With this fresh outlook on covenants I can hear the cogs of discussion starting up again. Thanks for your super insightful input to the discussion.

By the way you crafted the worst legendary for restoration shaman in the game. You’re the one who is trolling :’(


Good thing I’m not resto :wink:

Then you well and truly created the worst legendary.

You also should have crafted it on your chest because neck has no int and chest has more stats :’(

Why you trolling for.


They most certainly need to balance abilities closer to a 25/25/25/25 spread (or as close to that as can be achieved) than what we are seeing right now. Covenants still need work.


Hi, #PullTheRipcord on multiple characters. I know my covenant choice isn’t the best, hopefully we can still get kills without me being forced to change it. This is Froom btw. New main, rdruid too borink.


#PullTheRipcord !

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Swapped covenants two days ago. Lost all my progress. Terrible design. Extremely frustrating. I hate the kyrian zone. I hate that I can’t just use the dumb ability I need. I hate that they aren’t even close to balanced.


Huh. Im enjoying it and my cov, I dig it