
I got to 5 passively with out even trying I’ll have to do the quest soon tho

Torghast is diablo rifts except you don’t get anythning


Torghast is honestly so awful, my interest level in alts plummited after doing the layer 5 and 6 on my main.

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Still loving it

Coming for layer 8 ASAP

If i was a DPS spec i would probably quit and go back to classic. Torgast is probably the dumbest thing I have seen them add yet.

It’s not like Torghast is hard if you get good powers, it’s just time consuming for crafting mats. It’s neither good nor bad really, it just exists as a chore.

That’s kind my bone to pick with it, it has 0 difficulty… It’s just a boring chore.


Now that I’ve discovered that ALL transmog for a covenant (including the 12 different cloaks per covenant) are only transmogable by members of that covenant, I support the ripcord decision. Kinda forced to be kyrian or night fae on my rogue, because the other two abilities are meh, yet I don’t wish to receive druid transmog for him.


Please add something to allow us to, at the very least, borrow one other covenant’s abilities in place of your own. Maybe make it cost 500 Anima to use them for a week. I currently am stuck as a frost mage because I’m venthyr for PvE and PvP. Fire and Arcane basically require Night Fae for PvE (and it’s heavily favored for PvP). I don’t want to lose my progress with the Venthyr (because I do love the covenant and the ability tied to them), but it’s becoming a hinderance on the freedom to choose other specs to play.

First and foremost #PullTheRipcord

But, off topic, why the heck am I still being displayed as a level 50 character? How do I force the forums to update? I’ve been level 60 since the day after launch. Pls explain.

Well, have you a) logged out, and back in again on the forum page & b) checked to see if your armory is updating.

As someone who was a Necrolord Rogue up until last night it’s not just meh, both buttons are outright bad to press vs Kyrian’s. I can’t believe I punished myself for two weeks using very very bad abilities because I like the zone/transmogs more. My class is 1000% times better feeling using one of the good skills. The covenant system sucks.


Yes, I have logged out at least once or twice since almost 3 weeks ago. >.>

The answer (to all of the above) is quite simple:

Back in the olden days there used to be a profession called Journalism. That profession did a pretty decent job of shining the spotlight on the corrupt but it also did a pretty amazing job of filtering out bad movies restaurants games and other entertainment venues. Companies in these industries were hampered in part because they had to live on shoestring budgets because their companies were not listed on any of the stock exchanges and they had to rely on credible private investors outside of the stock markets. Companies that produced bad product or content did not do it very long as no one with any business sense at all would invest in a company after a scathing review from a critic or a commercial flop. This was why companies paid serious attention to customer complaints. Word of mouth advertising of a negative variety would taint your company reputation and no one would buy from you making it very difficult to stay in business.

Unfortunately now you have “protections” in the law and elsewhere that make it okay to “purchase” good reviews. Make it okay to organically grow a culture (like the current “cancel culture”) where if you dare to criticize the merit of a product it becomes perfectly okay to attack that critic get him or her (especially if its a him of the caucasian persuasion who is straight) fired, doxx him, swat him, demonetize him attack his family etc. Which oddly enough makes so called Journalists now pick a side and the critics to heap praise on unpraiseworthy products or people. Doubly so if the product or person exhibits the right “groupthink”.

You want the ripcord pulled? You have to get behind and push the Journos to do their jobs correctly rather than being mouthpieces for companies. You have to find some means of turning participation award shows into honest award shows that give awards solely based on relevant merit. You have to demand that Journos that are bought and paid for by the product companies they cover be fired for conflict of interests. Above all else you have to make those same demands of yourself. In fact you have to start with yourself.

Do that and the ripcord pulls itself.


Pull it, pull it NOW!

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The DPS numbers for Nathria just came out, not only is the tuning all wonky, picking the wrong covenant will set you back several hundred dps. Why have they not spoken on pulling the ripcord already?

“You think you do, but you don’t”



It’s time to Pull the rip cord. Tired of underperforming because I took necrolord


Unfortunately there is no ripcord anymore.

Daily reminder to pull the ripcord.



i know they can see this thread