
Phew where are those heroic world first races to watch streams of?!

Doesnt change the fact that you dont need perfect covenants to clear heroic.

It’s nothing about ego, you called me a LFR raider and I’m kindly reassuring you that’s not the fact.

Of course it doesn’t, mythic isn’t out yet however.

Yes, so covenant doesn’t matter outside mythic raiders, high key pushers or arena players. Kinda seems like a pretty significant portion of player sno?

And I’m the one with an ego problem.

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My guy your the only one here that seems to have his ego hurt…

You demean and insult us for literally no reason beyond your own shattered ideals


You’re the only person arguing this.

For someone who likes throwing out insults you sure don’t have many mythic raiding achievements.


My point is, there is a small percentage of the player base that is highly competitive where having all the optimal choices absolutely makes a difference. Those players however are not the ones complaining about having to pick a covenant that they didn’t like. They will pick the best regardless and if all the covenants were rebalanced tomorrow all those players would once again swap to whatever was the best.

The people complaining are people who the choice does not really make a difference to. Mainly because they look at what mythic raiders take and feel compelled to do the same. Hence “you problem”. Try to understand that that “you” is a royal you, not “you, timbaeslice”. I understand that compulsion and that people may feel trapped in a covenant they don’t want but it just doesn’t matter.

One of the people most responsible for spreading the # was Thdlock from Limit. You sure came into this thread unprepared. It’s kind of embarrassing you’re still here and not just taking the L.


This whole rant seems like a “You” problem, how is giving us a choice going to affect you ability to stick with the same one?

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Why is that an insult? It’s confirmation to someone that picked a covenant because it looked cool, or the ability felt cool that they can run everything short of cutting edge world firsts with whatever they want.

That people telling them otherwise or that covenants are trash are just full of hot air.

did you manage to grind the full renown up in one day? I’m thinking I need to on my main but just really don’t want to.

Yikes. The dunce cap fits you perfectly friend. Well put together mog!


We had people bring their alts to our normal alt full clear and they were getting renown levels from just killing bosses.

I am confused why Blizzard is being so stubborn on this one. As of right now I would love to go Venthyr for the raid and Kyrian for M+. It’s a real feels bad. For prot paladin the tuning is nowhere near a 5% difference between the two in a raid environment.


This is a pretty subjective statement. You’re not inside my head, you have no idea what motivates me or makes me want to play or enjoy the game. You just like to attack people in here (and in one of my threads asking for some kind of update on Necrolords being made to not suck butt) so why would anyone take what your saying seriously? You come off as an angry toll trying to rile people into saying things so you can flag it.


Guess I’ll swap Kyrian before the guild I joined runs normal tonight!

Yeah gotta hand it to Blizzard they made catching up renown super fast.

I was attempting to wait until Tuesday to see if they do any changes before Mythic release next week but I’m pretty doubtful we’ll see anything for covenants that upsets the current hierarchy.

I made a few posts complaining about Necrolords…one jokingly calling them Trashlords which upset people and somehow was flagged for trolling, and another more seriously which was filled with people telling me to play what I want and not to worry about the 1%, even though I’m not required to do anything by my raid group…no one cares what I play it’s all me. I’m just doing some casual normal/heroic raiding and attempting to have fun in Arenas.

Covenant balance matters to me, and even though I know it’s not coming I was really hoping we’d at least get an acknowledgement by now that they are planning something around changes for the bad ones at a bare minimum. If they can’t upset the Covenant meta now, there is no way they will until the next raid tier if they are even willing to do that.


#PullTheRipcord, Blizz. I doubt you ever actually had a plan or intended to do so, but do it.
I love a certain covenant ability for its combat performance, fluidity and ease of use, and to bring the best I can for my raid team… but I absolutely loathe their aesthetics, I don’t want to have to see the zone, their minions, their armor/weapon mogs, mounts, etc. And every time I look at the “rewards” I’ll get from my Renown grind, I just get disgruntled. And then my friend links some cool weapon mogs or mounts from their covenant that I can’t get, and it’s disappointing.

We all pay for every bit of content in this game, and I want those things for my main… not for an alt. You should have divorced aesthetics from mechanics from the start.

A player could be a covert operative serving the Kyrians (and using their ability), but “publicly” be with Night Fae, getting access to their aesthetic goods. Or any other covenant combo. Or even simpler… shunt all of it onto the regular Reputation vendor so that people can buy things at Exalted. It’s really that simple, why fix what ain’t broke by basically adding another “reputation grind” (Renown) that not all players can access. You’re just going to make people angry with a dangled carrot they can’t get, if they prioritize performance as more essential.


If I switch to Kyrian I’m going to do the bare minimum when it comes to their stuff. I’ll just make sure I have the mission table and the thing to collect more offerings so I can keep grinding for when they let me actually play the covenant I want and use the best powers/sounbind available for my class/spec.

Saying yes to switching is hard though. I really really don’t want to do it because I feel like I’m giving into to Blizzards bad design. Plus I read that my 200 ilvl covenant specific conduit will be made green when i switch. Not that the 200 ilvl Necrolord one is any good or but man having to get a 200 ilvl one again for a new Covenant is dumb as hell.


You hear that, people who aren’t WFR, but sill like to be as competitive as you can? You don’t matter.

You hear that, people who wanted to choose for aesthetics, but had another covenant ability just feel better to play with? You don’t matter.

You hear that, people who want to do more than one form of content? You don’t matter.

You hear that, people who like to play flexible and be a flex healer for raid, or flex tank for M+? You don’t matter, either.

Lotta people here don’t seem to matter, their choices don’t seem to matter. Guess it’s just a ‘them’ problem though, huh dog?




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