
RIP Prot Paladin LMAO.

Nobody saw this coming!

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I forgot about the inability to swap back. I dared to swap covenants to try out an ability. I did a bad thing. :frowning:

Now that I’ve tried out the Covenant abilities I honestly wouldn’t care if they just got rid of them. The only thing I like about them is having my little owl boi but that’s it. I wouldn’t miss the actual ability I got at all.


I don’t want to play Kyrian, and because of the ability I feel I am missing out on damage because I refuse to do so. I shouldn’t have to feel bad because I want to be a Warlock Venthyr.


So far I am noticing the difference in damage between this my necro hunter and my vulpera Night Fae .

Nigh Fae is pulling ahead and part of me hopes to raid eventually with necro on this toon but I’m thinking outside of lfr my vulpera will end up being the raid hunter this patch.

One of my hunter alts is survival, and I picked maldraxus because that ability is just more fun thematically on a survival hunter.

I cry at night now.

(Not really, but sadly jokes don’t translate well over text.)


I’m fortunate enough that night fae is the aesthetic I want, and it’s the best ability for me…but, just because this is true for me now, doesn’t mean at all that this will remain true. It is almost a certainty that at some point they will overnerf convoke and I will feel forced to swap to another covenant…and at that point, who knows if I’m gonna bother sticking around to regrind my new covenant or just quit.

And, that’s only me. There are TONS of people who are forced between aesthetics, power, and what’s just fun to press. It’s absolute hot garbage, and it’s INCREDIBLY frustrating to me that some players defend this system to the death, and Blizzard refuses to see this from any perspective beyond ‘we’re right, you’re wrong, shut up.’


I did the exact same. I was like “wait, no flying…chests…misc quests…ultra vertical zones…YUP DOOR OF SHADOWS LOOKS GOOD!”

The struggle to choose what to be worst at is painful, and took away a lot of my excitement and fun. I feel like I’m not allowed to be have a useful ability for multiple activities and specs, I have to choose what to be handicapped at.

Totally frustrating. I care about building a background story for my character, as well as the gameplay aspects. Now if I choose the wrong covenant, I will KNOW that the wipe could have been prevented if I had only sacrificed my own enjoyment of the story. Can’t even blame RNG anymore.

I chose to play my paladin as Venthyr while 89% play Kyrian. In one situation, I will be disappointed knowing Divine Toll could have saved a mythic wipe… and in the other, I will change to Kyrian and be even more disappointed when/if DT gets nerfed and I have to regrind another covenant because I’m not supposed to pick my top story choice.

If I wanted to play a game of “meaningful choice” that has permanent consequences, I would play a single-player RPG. Thus, sub cancelled. Maybe I will come back in 3 months when the campaigns are off time-gate.


Yeah corruptions and essences were a total cluster-f, and a past problem doesn’t make the covenant issue any more enjoyable. All it does is confirm that Blizzard continually does this kind of thing and does not learn their lesson.


Sorry to hear that, dude. I know its a difficult thing to do, putting aside a game you’ve invested so much into. I’m likely gonna stick around as long as I can, but my guild left en masse very early in BfA, and I don’t see much point in sticking around without them.

Hopefully this expansion lasts longer, but if we see massive changes (nerfs) to covenants, I feel we’ll all be on our way out the door too. Better to drop the sub than feel pressured into doing a massive renown regrind to compensate for Blizzards inability to balance.



This is not a fun mechanic and the ripcord should have been pulled in early beta.

It’s exhausting fighting Ion’s ego each and every expansion he insists he knows how players should have fun more than the players do.

It’s sad that #fundetected is memeable at this point because anything the players find ‘fun’ gets nerfed into the ground like a giant middle finger from Ion.

Like fast WQ? Flying & Whistle…gone…Didn’t appreciate it enough when we said ground mounts were the best way to appreciate content? Fine, no mounts are what you get in the Maw. Didn’t appreciate it enough when we said we wanted you to slow down and enjoy the zones we crafted for you? Fine, when you do anything we’ll put a debuff on you that kicks you out of the zone the most stuff you actually do. Like farming Silver Elites for your loot? Fine, we’ll remove the gear and replace it with an uninspired currency that doesn’t ever improve your gear score.
It’s not just covenents that are bad, it’s many of Shadowlands end game systems that continue the antagonistic design philosophy.

Like getting gear or useful items in your caches for doing daily world quests? Now you get gray vendor trash and gear will never be a level that’s useful because we’re going to bury it behind renown that will never keep up with your gearing from dungeons or pvp. #fundetected and destroyed. Mission accomplished. #PlayOurWay or go away. I really wish Ion would be made redundant.

Hello, Cyberpunk2077.


We’ve officially hit the release of endgame content for Shadowlands.

The data has shown that virtually every class has picked covenants based on what is good for their class. People on GD still think 70% of Warlocks are either NF or Kyrian because they like the aesthetic.



I litteraly made a mm hunter for each covenant . I went with what I wanted for this one (Necro) and I went meta for my vulpera one (Night Fae ) . Still have to start the other 2 .

I would of rather of had a nice ripcord pull so I could do it all on this toon and had my Plaguey Boiz look and POWAH!!!




Daily reminder to pull the ripcord.


I want to be competive in more than one type of content. Pull the damn cord.




So many of the heavy critics have either quit or realised they we were wrong.

Unfortunate, it’s not to late to join team ripcord though.

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