
Imagine thinking having to have 3 geared alts is a viable solution.

Bro, you okay?


the fact that you’re willing to acknowledge it’s a large enough issue that a person should make multiple characters of the same class, states more about the real existence of the problem, then you touting your absolutely terrible solution ever does


How not? Everything I see on GD is complaints about inconveniences that make the game more interesting and challenging. I mean, people complain about dying in Thorgast lol this is a game, of course you can lose. No mounts in The Maw, I am sorry that now you can’t no-brain the zone avoiding every mob/obstacle. Omg, I have to choose a covenant, I can’t be optimal in every content now, I actually will have to git gud and make strategies to succeed against the odds. And the list goes on.

There it is, again.

Hard = bad
Easy = good

If you want the game to become a big cinematic where you are basically carried by Blizz, great. But I can and do disagree.

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How does the inconvenience of not being able to present your character in the manner in which you envision because you enjoy playing the game make the game more interesting or challenging?

It’s cosmetics. It’s thematic.

Tying game performance to cosmetics/themes is terrible for no gain what so ever. Unless the gain is more dissatisfaction. In which case: they nailed it. 10/10


It is how RPGs work. You just can’t separate the mechanics from the lore too much or it breaks immersion.

But I’m not playing an RPG, I’m playing an MMO RPG. Where there are multiple avenues of end-game content and my character is not just some 60hr choice that no one interacts with but me.

And if you want to talk about separating the mechanics from the lore… these covenants are all working together against a single point of transgression - there’s no lore reason to be honored in just one covenant to begin with.


Sorry, “Hard” was the wrong term here.

Mythic raiding is hard. Top level PvP is hard.

Having a 2 week CD on our level 60 talents adds no challenge to the game, only inconvenience, and it rolls back the game’s earlier progress on making our characters versatile enough that we can switch between different activities and specs as we see fit.

So challenge = good

Deliberate inconvenience that adds nothing to the game = bad

Covenant choice would’ve been a great deal MORE meaningful if it was purely cosmetic.


MMORPG - Yes you are playing an RPG

I’m glad your ignoring the points that some covenants make you worse at everything in comparison to their counterparts.

Then you conflate other trivial issues with arguably a vary important one.

No one here is saying Hard is bad, underperforming in everything because I don’t want to be a Vampire is ridiculous.


There is the introduction of additional elements once you add in the MMO aspect. I’m referring to the founding, single player, maybe 5 man, genre. A living virtual world is fundamentally different from a closed, single objective, short term (in comparison) game.

Is the foundation RPG based? Absolutely. Is it identical? No.

The fact that there is differing content that requires differing builds alone is the most glaring difference from the foundational genre.

But that is a mechanics discussion. My main dissatisfaction is the tying of player power to cosmetics. It sets up a lose/lose situation for anyone who is and inhabitant and a gamer. The only one it works for is the cyclical gamer looking to don the best skin for the content they like, and even a good portion of those are upset because some of them enjoy more than one avenue of end-game content.

It’s an overall baffling design decision.


I have always done what ever content I want on this character be it pve or pvp but if I want a fighting chance in either forms of content then I have to make toons for each form of content. So don’t give me this no one is forced bs.

What if I want to do it all on this toon like I’ve been able to do since I created it back in Cata.


RPG = Role Playing Game. When you raid. Do you play a Role? When you are questing. running dungeons. etc etc You are playing a role. You can spin the tale to meet your narrative. Been You are playing a role in a game.

He literally made multiple shamans for this exact reason lmao, he has done it.

A lot of us have for that reason but doesn’t mean we like it :slightly_smiling_face:

Bro literally look at the post above yours. LMAO


I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to grasp what he’s saying.

Yes, it is an Role Playing Game. But it’s also an Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.

It is a different genre in its own right with its own rules that do not apply to your single player or even couch co-op RPGs.

Stop calling an orange a grapefruit just because it shares similarities with it.


Pull it now, not 9.1 or later.


This is a very weird argument.

It is quite obvious that Blizzard has been trying to make PvP players PvE, and vice versa (arguably to a lesser degree). It is, then, obviously their intent for people to do ALL content. It is not about specialization, it is about being prepared. It is much like going to a dinner party properly dressed or to a beach party with a swim suit. You bring what you need to the content you are doing. If you can’t do that, what’s the point? Might as well not.

Bump they’re already starting to nerf so you have to re grind covenants.

Don’t be sheep