
I don’t know why they don’t just automatize this process tbh

I see many level 50 folks here. Good to see many holding up on SL until few patches later like me :stuck_out_tongue:

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#pulltheripcord dude

pull it, and pull it good!

tbf this is just my forum alt :stuck_out_tongue:

My druid is already 60 and I absolutely HATE the covenant system. I posted it in another thread but might as well share here:

I like to level/do quest content as Balance. I like to do group content as resto. Obviously from an RP prespective I prefer Night Fae because why wouldn’t my druid who is dedicated to defending the Emerald Dream ignore Ardenweald. While leveling, the maldraxus ability felt great with balance, it synergized well and I really enjoyed it. The Kyrian ability, however, synergized way better with resto. But obviously I’m still going to pick Night Fae. So now, regardless of the content I’m in, I have a constant reminder of how I’m having LESS fun doing the content because Blizzard decided to tie my RP identity in with player power.

It sucks. It sucks majorly. It’s a terrible terrible system.


Both my classes best Covenants are the two least interesting Covenants to me.



I need different covenants for mainspec / offspec. I also need different covenants for Raid/M+

The ripcord needs to be pulled.


I went Night Fae for aesthetics. The ability isn’t the strongest, but it’s at least competitive and flexible.

Last night in a dungeon my husband, who tanks while I heal, told me he feels like it was a weak choice. And we’re in for another two years of this. Yay.


I guess I shouldn’t complain too much, Blizzard gutted the only synergistic covenant Warlocks had so hard that the only thing that actually matters is how much raw damage that they output, which is consistent across content and spec.

So I’m not completely screwed in that regard, I don’t need to do the ol “character for M+ and character for Raid” that I was dreading.

But still, it’s a feelsbad situation that never should have occurred.


I did the opposite. I went Night Fae for the abilities, but I absolutely hate the Night Fae aesthetic with a fiery passion. Especially the Order Hall thingy, everything looks the same and I get turned around so often looking for stuff.

I’d say “at least I don’t have to go Kyrian”, but Kyrian are ridiculously good for my BrM alt. Their order hall is pretty decent tho, credit where its due.


I went venthyr… for the door of shadows… nothing more. :<

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So, about that Ripcord.

Anytime now would be great.

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I personally wish that covenant choices only granted the ability such as soul shape and all… make it a meaningful choice but all based on aesthetics not dps…

I went Venthyr on my warlock, boy do I regret that choice, impending Catastrophe is a dps loss casting it…

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Still waiting for them to pull the ripcord before I buy SL.


Yup. Covenant system sucks because of the abilities. They want you to do all content, but you can’t pick your favorite abilities for that content.



I want to be venthyr, but their ability is worse than BfA.


1% difference my rear


Buff the absolute heck out of all the covenant abilities and make them a swappable talent row. I can suspend disbelief as I watch my character throw a fireball. I can suspend disbelief as my night fae druid throws a white, red, or green spell.


P.S. The forums lie, this character is level 60 and ilvl 185.


I had to log out and back in to reset my level and I level.

Blizz nerfed them into there being a meta . I just did a heroic Plaguefall and along with my alt hunter there were 2 more.

We were all running the meta covenant (night fae ) and farming the meta legendary for hunters in that dungeon .

Nice job Blizz the rip cord didn’t unravel your system you did with your need to be egotistically stubborn and not make the ripcord then pulling it.


covenants were a mistake. doesn’t feel good picking between what you thematically like vs whats mechanically GOOD for gameplay.

the disparity is there, obviously.