
That still didn’t answer his question.

He asked how many people have to test on the Alpha/Beta/PTR before the Devs listen. All you did was avoid answering by bringing up Preach . He was not the only one in the testing phase . There are a few of us in here that were in the Beta and a lot of feed back on the covenants in the beta forums.

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Trick question! The devs don’t listen.

over 11k posts and blizz and the blizz defense force still does not get it

pulliing the ripcord is the ONLY way systemlands will be somewhat good. right now it’s a dumpster fire of a mess. just look around streamers and content makers are leaving wow and coming to the shores of ffxiv. why? square hears the community out and works with us to give us the best game money can buy.

at this point i feel sorry for those who will be stuck in a game thats just about grinding with no fun. with a dev team looking to milk them with microtransactions. all blizz had to do was #pulltheripcord they didn’t.

welcome to the start of wow’s sunset.

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True but Kitt was avoiding answering the question bringing up Preach .

Preach is just 1 of many people that have tested in the Beta . Like I said a bunch of us here were in the Beta .

No, they actually dont. Im pretty sure a lot of people can tell you they didnt listen to anything with FF15 or KH3 came out.

…this also literally describes FF14 currently rn; since Bozja is literally Eureka which is all about GRINDING.

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They don’t balance things, they never have since the game launched in 2004. They just nerf stuff to the point it no longer has meaning.

The crowd sure is going mild for Shadowlands.

But, hey. Seems theyve made PvP fine again. I’m sure that’ll save this expansion. Just gotta make another character so I can stomache arenas.

Ah, it warms my heart to see such activity in this age ol thread on the eve of shadow lands.

It has sincerely been quite entertaining to see all the discussions around all the systems.

So before I depart and never again return to the forums, thank you all for the months and months of entertainment.

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3 hours before launch and Blizzard are still tuning Covenants.

Small indie Devs and whatnot.


Wonder what this thread will look like after the first week .

Got my a big bag of Told You So pop corn ready

I’m more looking forward to 8.1 or 8.2 when they think they’ve avoided the crapstorm and end up adding in new conduits or something that makes one covenant skyrocket above all the rest. That’ll be a great I told you so moment. Twilight Devastation, only 1/4th of the players actually get to use it. Delightful.

Temper your expectations.

First week or two will be minimal complaints due to people not actually knowing whats the best and just picking whatever,

The real crapstorm is going to happen once the mid/upper-mid tier crowd start getting their teeth into the “hard” content like the last boss of Heroic or the first few of Mythic, and doing your weekly 15 no longer takes two hours.

That’s when the meta settles and people start playing stuff because it’s OP and not because it’s new.

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I played Legion and BfA ,I no longer have expectations

Except there is this thing called an alternate path to your relic weapon this go that takes at most… 3-5 hours. Also Bozja is a lot faster the Eureka ever was and can be used as a leveling tool for alternate jobs. The relic this expansion is arguably the least grindy relic that has ever existsed thanks to the option to do Heavensward Fates(with 100% drop rate if you get gold)/Dungeons (only 6 runs required).

The real storm is going to be when there are unexpected combinations that end up breaking the meta, because even as thorough as the beta testers were, they couldn’t have found everything. And then we’re going to go right back into the corruption issue, where people are flocking to the “powerful” option, and then Blizzard nerfs it, upsetting them.

The only difference with corruption is Blizzard is stupid enough to try and force you to stick with your decision.

Launch Day friends. Let’s see how long it takes them to rebalance these.

If it’s anything like Azerite armour, we can expect at least two patches of this before we even get an acknowledgement of how bad it is.

Yeah, sadly it looks like they’re going to double down on this as hard as they ever have over issues. It’s going to be a long haul.

My guild keeps trying to convince me to at least stay in it to play with them…I just don’t know. At least I have until January to decide. I can say I’m already having a ton of frustrations over the covenant system.

For example I was looking to play survival hunter this time around as my main. But sadly, the combination of it just suffering under the depruning as well as the coolest ability for its kit (at least imo, because chakrams) is Maldraxxus, which I utterly hate. The covenant I WANTED to go for him (Rivendreth) is an utterly boring single target debuff. God I hate this stupid system…


That is all grinding, yes. Since also people have summerized that rank 15 is needed for future content.

We are welcoming all new members to #PullTheRipcord.

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