
Here here, must drive Khaelyn mad.

Lol, I’m allowed to criticize while simultaneously enjoy doing the content in the game.

If you weren’t such a jaded and bitter angry little child you’d understand that.

Must drive you mad huh?

They suggest regular eye checkups you know Khaelyn.

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Exactly this .

Some people think we want to destroy the system , when all we want is for them to fix it sooner then later.

It’s to the point that some of them might actually be more stubborn then Ion .


Well I dont pay for a game design by players. And I like that the choices we make reflects on the gear we do going foward.

I hope they do it every single raid, that the gear is design by the choice you made.

You can, but Blizzard said no to you. So this is no longer feedback just spam.

They said no to account bound essences too, refresh my memory what happened there.

But WoW Devs can’t balance anything…


Proof is in the pudding, they’ve already started mass nerfs on every part of covenants because they know the clock is ticking.

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After a few months if not longer of us using the system. They changed it sure.

We can come back to talk about this once it is release and we all played it for awhile, but until that time. Accept that it is not getting changed, and no point talking about it until that time.

Many of us have already been playing covenants for a while :relaxed:.

Just like how conduits weren’t going to be changed?


Calm down dear it’s feedback.

Who says things need to be balance before doing a system like this? Nothing needs to be balance as long as it keeps changing.

Just because it can’t be balance does not mean it does not need to be tried. Nothing is set in stone. It is silly to say, well we can never balance it. So lets not do it. What? Number tuning will always be needed on a game this size, so lets not be scared to do new systems because of balance oh noes.

It won’t even be a controversial opinion in a couple of months.

It’ll be the exact same as Legion, where people hated Legiondaries until Blizzard fixed those, and in BFA where people hated Azerite Gear and Essences until Blizzard fixed those two.

We’re just looking to be ahead of the curve on this one and get it fixed early on in Shadowlands, if not before it launches.

Don’t forget corruption!

All they had to do is unlock abilities . Even if it was just the class ones I think a lot of us would of seen that as a compromise . But know instead of taking a scalpel and doing a little surgical precision they decided to go full on

? Blizzard never said condults was not going to get changed little man. They told you this is going to stay how it is.

So you lost for now. Come back after a few months with shadowland release.

Also we have not been playing covenants for awhile because beta is not live. And things are being changed as we speak.

Corruptions are a bit more controversial because they didn’t really get fixed, they’re just less broken.

Personally I’m very much looking forward to pre-patch and corruptions going pooft.

None of this matters because you said…

If you choose correctly and then Blizzard changes it and you’re hit with the restriction then it’s only going to lead to frustration. Your lack of foresight and memory of what has occurred before with systems like this is astounding.

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Once SL comes out and people see the problems everyone that was pro ripcord should get a special AOTC cheevo



Than you can change to a new system? The only thing they doing is not making you switch to said content you want to do.

So if balance change happens. Switch sides and regrind? It is not that hard.

Is this game out yet? Does it even have a release date?

Here here! Pull the Ripcord !

If ya can’t change covenant abilities, soulbinds and conduits on the fly the games dead.