
To take power away from the choice is doing away with the system. Blizzard has stated this.

Your examples has nothing to do with it. Blizzard stated they want power to be tied in to the choice you make. To undo that is to undo the systems they have built. That is a fact. So it is not a lie to say ripcord people want to undo the system that Blizzard has planned.

Any other questions?

Remember before systems were the content and we had stuff like good quests , dungeons , raids and pvp


So one thing out of all the different things in in covenants that give player power being taken out would do away with the system .

You are either unable to comprehend logic or you are a troll and I’m going to go with troll because on one hand you complain about Blizz being slow to make changes and on the other hand you cop an attitude with people giving feed back trying to get blizz to make that change.

Last response to you please do not reply . No longer worth my time.

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Who doesn’t love a little teriyaki on there :poop:?

So turns out Covenant abilities/signature abilities can’t be used outside of Shadowlands content.



"We want players to say, “I play a Kyrian Paladin” <- LMAO

@Khaelyn come back, I’m genuinely curious now how you feel about this because you’ve made it pretty obvious you don’t do current content you do your own content.

And now you can’t farm old zones or do roleplay out of shadowlands with your covenant stuff.


Maybe she went off to sulk with Trollnechka


I’m not going to listen to you. The fact that you think you know better than Blizzard shows that you are a foolish child that is not getting his or her way. So you want to take it out on people who don’t agree with you.

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I love my meaningful choice in shadowlands only content.

it feels so great to have all the new fun tools to use in shadowlands only content.

Meaningful choice for shadowlands content for all!

Yeah she’s upset. Don’t worry Khaelyn you can start a thread advocating for the opening up for covenant abilities on all content and i’ll support you.

That coupled with this

Just makes the system all the more pointless and/or annoying.

Can’t even have raids with item appearances that match the raid. If you want everything have to grind 4x for each armor type x 4 covenants = 16x the grind. Can’t wait for the gothic vampire themed dungeon to give me pretty fairy gear!

And then you leave SL and all your abilities disappear. Will my covenant-specific raid gear go poof and leave my character naked too? Months and months and I still can’t figure out what is going on with this stupid system, but the more I learn about it the stupider it gets. It’s like Clown Fiesta: The System.

There was several more things that are just as ridiculous about I could write but then I would write a book. Can’t complete whole zones outside of a covenant or something was another one. The list goes on and on.



Ouch being called a foolish child at 53

Khaelyn you wound me


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You can be old and still be a brat. Grow up.

You can’t even disagree with someone without throwing a hissy fit. I’m done talking with you kiddo. You just called people who made the game liars, and act like you understand the plans they have.

You are getting your way. Not wasting my time on you.

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Haha i can never get enough of this

Slightly meta, but did Blizzard merge threads into this one? Cause it randomly got a couple hundred extra posts.

It just gets worse and worse.

“We want players to say, “I play a Kyrian Paladin””.

“What the hell is a Kyrian?” - Literally anything outside Shadowlands.


I’m glad you enjoying the thread. I guess through all the misery you feeling with shadowlands. You need to have some fun. Good for you. Misery loves company, and you sure are finding it in this thread lol.

Basically in shadowlands only content every few minutes i use an ability that the other 3 covenants don’t have

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I never called them liars . I called what you said about rip cord pullers as a flat out lie.

As for saying you can’t even disagree with some one without having a hissy fit , you might want to look in the mirror. If anyone has been having a hissy fit this whole time it has been you young lady or sir.

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I’m having a great time on beta, when did i lead you to assume I wasn’t having fun on beta? Regardless of what happens I’m going to still do shadowlands content and still have fun with my guildies.

People seem to have the impression that because we disagree with Blizzard about Covenants…A lot, that we’re going to hate Shadowlands.

But personally my enjoyment from the game doesn’t depend on the systems, but the content itself and the people I do it with. Blizzard actually have a really good record with the former and obviously they have no control over the latter.

As much as I criticize systems like Azerite, Essences, Benthic Gear and Corruptions, I still deeply enjoyed BFA. The game just got way better when Blizzard ‘fixed’ those systems.’

I’m going to enjoy Raiding and M+ in Shadowlands. I’d just enjoy it a lot more if Covenants were unlocked.


I think you don’t understand what ripcord people want. Blizzard stated shadowlands is balance around choices tied to power. That is it a key part of the expansion going forward.

What does the ripcord people want to do?

Nothing else needs to be said. If you don’t understand something that simple. We are done.

Neat, so you can keep this system that many players want to have as well, and still have fun. Problem fix. We all get what we want.

Nothing else needs to be said.

After seeing the atrocity of covenant specific gear for the raid I don’t have to think, I know that I know better than Blizzard.

WHY would you make covenant specific gear for a single raid?? Are they going to do this with every raid for this expansion. You’re talking 4x the work designing all these items. Are there going to be covenant tier sets too? I can’t imagine there would be very many raids made. After a while it would become rehashes of the same general appearances. Or are these the only appearances we are ever going to get from SL raids, which drop some item we turn into the vendor that scales with iLevel? I wouldn’t be surprised if they did that at this point…

In BC they didn’t have Aldor or Scryer gear for every raid, they just had a loot table with appearances that matched the dungeon theme. They’re really taking this covenant thing too far when it really should be something simple like, well, Aldor and Scryers. A faction choice. That’s it.

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