
Who says it did not work? Because they changed the system? Maybe the system worked just fine for what they wanted, but gave you guys what you wanted because it was closer to the end of expansion and they did not mind tossing the community a bone.

You think waaay highly of yourself if you think the community should design the game and not them.

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Theres a difference between the community designing the game and Blizzard listening to resounding feedback.

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again they said they don’t agree with your feedback. What more do you want?

For the love of Green Jesus and Red Jesus, just let us stick with a Covenant! If we pick one, we keep it for the rest of the expansion. Consequences! The importance of our actions! Do people not care anymore?

Ion already signed off on covenant swapping, he’s for meaningful choice just not that much of it.

They didn’t agree with our feedback on azerite armor either, see how quickly they backflipped with that? rofl

Can’t wait for the embarrassing follow up thread of them agreeing to listen to feedback and changing covenants in the .1 patch.

I can’t wait to dance in every thread I’ve ever made and I’ll make sure to hit you with the told you so.

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Again, what game are you playing?


When you pick a covenant it literally says

This is a serious decision, but can be changed later



Ok so this is more proof Blizzard should not pull the ripcord. You all are like kids, don’t get your way. So you keep on spamming and crying out until Blizzard at last listens to you. Well Blizzard did this to themselves.

You mean, we give feedback and they listen because they see subs disappearing ?


No, you cry until Blizzard at last buys you the toy you want. Even if Blizzard says no. You keep on and on until they at last give in.

But at some point. Who is at fault here? The kid or Blizzard.

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What’s the difference between giving feedback and crying in your opinion?

You gave feedback. Blizzard said no. You keep going on. The keep going on is crying.

“This is a serious decision,”
“But can be changed later.”

Absolute garbage. If they have a philosophy, stick to it and build on it, don’t chicken out like a bunch of wusses.

Nice summary you got here. Hopefully the feedback is heard and given more consideration over adding more artificial currencies to the game.

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Is that not the point of feed back?

If I was a chef in a kitchen and everyone kept telling me my food tasted like Gnome s**t, but I willingly chose to ignore their very important feedback since they’re the ones eating my food, are they crying like a little kid as you so elegantly put it?

There’s complaining and feedback for a reason.


Feedback comes from a few million players. All of it different. Too many people want opposite things. The feedback gets condensed into some version of a compromise.

Subs will disappear regardless, no one wants to compromise.

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The customer gave feedback. I said no, they kept going on. Surely the customer will stop crying soon i said i don’t agree with their feedback!

Delusional honestly.

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That is not the point of feedback.

Telling a chef that it would taste better if you add garlic. and the chef says that he does not think so, and you keep on saying over and over again to said chef you know garlic would be nice. It stop becoming feedback

Feedback does not mean you should keep saying it until you get your way.

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We know things will get fixed the whole ripcord isn’t about destroying the new systems it’s about fixing them sooner then later.

People already know there are problems with them . That is why they have the alpha and beta testing . The devs are just being stubborn and showing hubris thinking all will be fine .

THis is the 3rd expac with these kind of systems and guess what the 3rd time is not a charm and from all the pruning they have done lately and the fact they have delayed the launch maybe they are seeing it’s not either.

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