
And this right here is the problem with the mindset. Because you do 10 percent less dps. You are being carried.

This community really does need a cleansing.

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Than that means the content needs to be balanced, but is that mythic raiding or normal? Because mythic raiding is for min/maxing.

Except the game doesn’t revolve around that mentality. What if someone at the start of the expansion wants to experiment and try to create their own playstyle? What if there’s a player who just wants to do well in the content that they’re partaking in? What if that same player wants to do multiple avenues of the game but their Covenant choice makes them great in one content but meh/bad in the other?

I’m sorry but your stance is of someone who lives in a pipe dream that thinks regardless of all the history the game has gone through, that you think people are going to be okay with being subpar solely because of their Covenant choice.

I’m not sure what game you’re playing. Cause it sure isn’t WoW.


Like I said, one of the least informed people in the entire thread.

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You argue under the assumption that all content CAN be balanced to 10-15%.

Something we have yet to see in any expansion, and you want me to assume the expansion with the most ambitious content can surpass that?

because you are not getting your way, no need to take it out on me.

Haven’t you left this thread in a huff multiple times?

Again you making some wild assumptions, based on history you’re incorrect. Blizzard has never been able to achieve 10-15% proper balance

Khaelyn has absolutely no experience raiding in any content which requires any form of even the most bare levels of optimisation.

It’s healthier for the thread if we let her wear herself out and leave liken usual.

I enjoy doing arenas, so yes, if I pick covenant abilities for raid and I have to go into arenas gimped, i will not do it. It’s not a question of whether or not I can do it, sure I can do it, maybe even snatch a few wins here and there, but it’s not how it’s suppsoed to be, right? You cannot ask players to be competitive and ask them to gimp themselves in the same process. If that’s what they are aiming for, I will simply not do arenas. And that, is my meaningful choice.

Precisely, perfect balance will never happen, and having some things be stronger in certain areas is ok, PROVIDED you are able to pick what you think is best for the areas you are looking to do.

That’s at all levels of play. That gap between a person who picks the “right” choices and one who, heh, has chosen poorly has an difference in power that only grows as the as their gear gets better. With starter gear it may be only like 5% but by the time you start getting geared and doing end game it’s like a 40% difference.


It is because wow is a bad mmorpg, and is no longer top dog that a change in the system is needed in the first place.

If wow did not do system changes, or shake things up each expansion. Do you think people would come back? each expansion truely is a expansion. Every mmo does this, and the best mmo right now expansion does even bigger changes with systems.

I live in no pipe dream. All the problems you have with the system can be fixed by having a decent guild.

This community is the problem, not the system. And if Blizzard gives in to this ripcord crowd. That would mean spell dire consequences for any changes or systems that they make.

Everything that you said can be done with the system. Your playstyle you get to change, you get to pick what one you like. The only thing you don’t get is a system where you can use all the choices anytime you want.

What’s wrong with that mentality? If you want to show up to raid doing 10% less DPS, that’s on you, I don’t care because I am not your raid lead. But if I show up to raid doing 10% less DPS, then I will find out why and rectify, and that’s on me. Why is your way right and my way wrong?

Cleansing? Really? Overstepping a bit, are you not?

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600ish likes. In 2 months. Without the ability to downvote. In a game with a few million players.

Yeah, this definitely “speaks for us all.”

I am not “pressing hard” for a particular thing. It’s the opposite. A few players, such as yourself, are “pressing hard” for something.

Basically you don’t like any player power being associated with this type of choice.

My point is simply: there’s no actual problem with it as a concept. On the contrary, it can be a good thing. I’ve already seen players discussing the choices and thinking about what they might prefer.

For my paladin, I’m mostly deciding between Kyrian and Night Fae. Do I want the cleanse and the aoe ability, or the buffs and the movement boost?

It’s good to have this type of character-defining choice in the game. It’s not easy to have it. Balance is a concern.

But it’s not the overwhelming concern that some players make it out to be. There can be some differences. Certain abilities that are really good situationally. Some minor differences in throughput.

There always have been, and eliminating any feature that might produce such a difference ends up diluting the game’s design (basically: making it more boring and one-dimensional). Even class design has been damaged by it over the years. It’s the reason for the removal of many utility spells. It has been a big factor in class homogenization.

There are many things that can work. It’s not that one thing must happen, or that the current iteration is perfect.

If the content gets done, someone doing 10 percent less damage does not matter.

This mindset only works for a guild setting where you want best of the best. In a pug, or normal setting of wow. It does not belong, and Blizzard is coming up with game designs to force players to not be able to do it as well.

Again, why is that an issue? I am pretty sure my guild is not bet of the best, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to be a better players, nor does it prevent me from wanting to be at least “prepared” for what I am doing. Why does that not belong, when you have rated arenas and BG?

Your mentality is rather disconcerting. Doesn’t matter what content you are doing, if the primary focus (you seem to focus on raiding) is to kill a boss before it kills you, it is absolutely your responsibility to be the best you can be. If a raid of 30 people all show up with the same mentality and collectively all do 10% less DPS, what do you think will happen?

Also, let’s focus on the issue itself, not what the issue may or may not cause. Simply put, if it’s balanced, locking is fine. If it’s not balanced, locking is not fine. And since it cannot be balanced, therefore locking is not fine.

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My raid is currently tied for the fastest kill of Mythic Nzoth in the world.

I want the best of the best, why can’t I have it? Because it will upset you?


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You can have it. The tools you have in place does not stop you.

The system in place also does not stop you. You have to make choices what you want to min/max in. That is a choice. Blizzard is not stopping you.

If your guild is not good enough to adjust to the system, and need all the power. That just means that you are not good enough with the new wow system to do the content. Or Blizzard needs to balance the content base off the new system.

That does not mean the system needs to change for your guild.

Once again.

My experience with raiding: Having the fastest kill in the world for the hardest boss in the game currently on the hardest difficulty.

Your experience?

Give me a refresher on what your experience is again.

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