
Not our job to fix Blizz’s constantly broken systems.

Our job is just to let them know about them and for them to pull the ripcord and fix them .

That’s like buying a car under warranty and it having an issue then the dealer go your problem you fix it. Doesn’t work that way .

Your job is to be hand held because thinking hurts your brain somethin’ fierce.

Look I respect you’re against the pulling of the ripcord but you’ve really gotta come up with a new angle for this, of all the people who have tried to steer the conversation bringing up hand holding is not the play.

Also thinking is something that’s reserved when you have more choices. Having 1 choice for all content is less thinking than deciding what tool is best for the job.

No, it was designed for people who had disposable income and could buy premium tanks and ammo to compete.


Except it’s not you deciding what tool to use; it’s the website and Raibots stepping in your shoes.

One option means adaptation which implies manipulation of a situation of your own creation.

STILL wrong. Do any of you actually play the game?

An unlikely ally in this thread, honestly.

last time i played u could buy premium ammo with better pen


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Also, delay the release.

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Still does not mean p2w… You don’t even know how penetration mechanics work.

i still think they should pull the ripcord and war thunder is a better game than wot


Don’t forget they still are trying to balance the conduits & soulbinds too along with those 144 combinations :D. Per Covenant, you have 3 Soulbind choices of people. Then they still have to balance the different Conduits in those Soulbinds.

So how many layers is that? 12 Classes > 36 Specs > 144 Combinations For Covenant Abilities > Then either around 432 Diff Soulbind Options (I believe this is the possible numbers for only for one covenant) > Then they have to balance the different Conduits per Spec per Class per Covenant per Soulbind.

Recently, they even found out casters were doing too much damage and had to change it cuz they were getting too much spell damage. I doubt Blizzard will ever balance the game. While it is and should be the aspiration, it’ll take them forever, and honestly with the amount of people Activision fired, it ain’t happening. #PullTheRipcord


I think there is obviously a lot of like-minded ripcord pullers in here (like myself), but do we have consensus on what would be a minimum parachute for a valid ripcord pull? I’m curious.

From my perspective, I think simply allowing a single character to progress through all four campaigns simultaneously (and perhaps switch the “active” one in Oribos) would be sufficient (no quests required). I want to see all of the stories and content anyway, so I’d be on board with such a thing. I don’t know how this’d play into the “weekly events” (Queen’s Conservatory, Ember Court, etc), but I could see there being a raid-like weekly lockout for it (where you can only do one each week).

Is this sufficient for the fellow ripcorders? Or would any of you balk at ripcords that are anything less than per-spec remembered-talent-tree type changes?


I don’t think there’s a consensus on a solution, some want Covenants moved to talents, some (like yourself) want a pathway for essentially unlocking all four Covenants, even if only one can be active, and so on.

Personally I don’t mind what solution gets chosen as long as it solves the core problems of Covenants spec/content locking you.


Got to hold that hand and placate the unwilling. Having the game bend around you is healthy design.

Hey everyone remember to thank Sonechka for the thread bump


at this point it should be clear to everyone

ppl who don’t want blizz to #pulltheripcord don’t care about the game or community. they are the ones who want blizz to make everything for the solo/casual ppl who will play for a few weeks then run off to play whatever garbage micro$oft is putting out on xbone game scam.

we are the ones who care about the game and community we are the ones that play it. we are the guide makers who make guides that show people how to do things. we are the streamers entertaining people on twitch and others via content. we are the raiders putting work into beating and then farming the hardest content. we are the pvpers who fight for the honor of the horde.

we are those who love this game and we are the ones who know what will happen if blizz doesn’t #pulltheripcord wow will join the graveyard of mmo’s that tried to be good but failed.


My ideal solution is have covenants be cosmetic, with the power being entirely separate.

My bare minimum is giving people a free swap with renown traveling with us every single time they nerf or buff covenants. Free swap means not incurring the ‘you left us, prove your loyalty by catching squirrels and delivering parsels for two weeks’ mechanic.

I mean at the very least sonichu is good for that.

Almost 1 in every 10 posts in this thread is a bump from Sonichu.


Love them for that.