
Then we agree. I understand wanting less influence from streamers, it just happens that this time I land on the same side of the fence as Preach, so I assumed you were on the other side, and I shouldn’t have assumed.

I am unsure. Are you referring to covenants or the concept of a closed beta?

Beta never closes, we are still in BFA beta now. BFA should be great when we see the live version :stuck_out_tongue:


They do impact gameplay though. The fact that I’m essentially going to be stuck with Kyrian even though I aesthetically want to go Necrolord sucks. And it’s going to suck even more when Blizzard decides to do tuning passes and possibly change my Covenant choice.

I’m sorry but Covenants don’t work with lore, gameplay and again creates a scenario at the beginning of the expansion, you know the time when players are going to be playing the most out of the entire expansion, an ability to experiment and create builds that fit their playstyle because of the restrictions they have in place.


Too bad I can’t be night fae without having to level a new character.

I’m referring to covenants. As in, I won’t be able to test covenants in live, so I won’t be able to make an informed decision on which covenant to choose, and will likely just refer to a third party to help make my decision.

Makes you wonder why Blizzard give alpha and beta access to streamers if they didn’t want those streamers making videos with their opinions about the alpha and beta. It’s almost as if they intentionally made a controversial system and then let opinionated people with a large number of followers test it for a reason. I don’t know what that reason is, but maybe Blizzard knows what they’re doing and were going for some sort of “all publicity is good” kind of thing. Who knows?

Well, Death’s Due (Night Fae covenant ability) for DKs got nerfed in the most recent beta build. Since I don’t play DK I don’t know how much this will affect their covenant choice, but I thought I’d report on it at least.

In other news, Night Fae also got buffed for Mistweavers, which may be enough (depending on numbers) to let me actually play my aesthetic choice.

There are a lot of covenant ability changes in this latest build, so it looks like Blizz is really doubling down on their tuning passes. Who’s ready for an absolute mess come launch day?

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Have you guys (monks) heard anything yet? A monk buddy of mine said Blizzard was going to make big changes and big announcements for monks, and then dead air for three(?) weeks.

We just got a blue post today. It included a lot of changes for WW that don’t amount to much in total and an acknowledgement that SEF is bugged to all (impolite word).

It also listed the change to faeline stomp, which makes it look like it could be a competitive ability but it really depends. The wording is kinda funky. It says it’ll deal periodic damage to enemies standing in it and then it says that it deals damage (or healing for mistweaver.) Which has me concerned that it might just be healing and no damage for MW, which would make it a dead covenant ability again. Have to wait for the beta servers to come up and the Peak of Serenity people to test it and report.

But we got updates, of a sort. Not the kind we were hoping for, but it’s a start.

Should just be healing and damage for all specs. Why not?

Its all in the wording.

“Faeline Stomp now deals Nature damage (or heals if Mistweaver) to targets in front of the Monk when cast and continues to deal additional damage to targets caught in the Faelines.”

…wow. So…that could mean anything. My assumption is the initial cast heals for MW and the ground effect is damage.

I hope that’s the case, it seems the best case scenario. Ideally it would just heal and damage for all specs, but with them who knows what they’re going to do for monks next? Bonedust Brew’s been bugged for 6 months…or so we think, who knows if its a bug or not because they won’t tell us.

The only reason they have easy access to streamers is that by giving access to one person, they basically promote the content to everyone who is following those streamers.

Go ask the Battlefield V team if “all publicity is good”

How is that shallow? You asked

This will be true for a majority of the playerbase, they will be placed into a decision where they ither pick the astehtic they want, or forced into a meta pick.
This is considered a punishment or as you like to phrase it " a meaningful choice".

The fact that you’re saying my argument is shallow just goes to show your lack of understanding of the argument or that your still trolling.


Your whole argument literally relies on the idea that the abilities/soul binds are only 1-2% of the damage, which is factually false, we have seen the numbers come out.

Your counter-argument to that is " Blizz will balance it" which, given their history, has no reasonable basis from which you can stand on.

What’s on our side? numbers, history, experience.

Yours? A feeling it will all turn out alright and/or getting one over the min/maxers

Whos the shallow one again?


Talents and baseline class abilities have been known to go “poof” or be radically redesigned from expansion to expansion. Survival hunters became a melee specialization for goodness sake!

Neither side of this discussion should be attempting to leverage feelings about the relevance of so-called “borrowed power” as, like it or not, all power is impermanent.

Carry on.

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So is life, whats your point?

Should I not care about how I live it just because im going to die one day?

Get out of here with that crap.


I genuinely don’t think you understood what I posted. :woman_shrugging: