
If you buy your way to cutting edge content, you are not playing the game.

I can’t believe you are even making this argument.

Your gonna put warcraft logs as a means to why numbers dont matter? That’s actually hilarious.

It’s proving that numbers only matters for Meta or Flavor of the Spec at that particular raid tier. They’re literally over-represented.

Telling people how to play the game, are we? Color me surprised.

Or you could just let them play how they want.

Because , like ive said what feels like a thousand times now.

Unlocking the abilities will have zero affect on you.


This is all it boils down to.

Oh, can’t accept the reality so you’re falling on the same 'ol circular statement:

Not all power is equal some are only good for some situations some are not good at all . Some are good to an extent and others are better over all .

I will use some examples for my spec.

Kyrian : Resonating arrow = Good for PvP
Night Fae: Wild spirits = not useful due to not synergizing with other abilities it is supposed to work with .

Venthyr : Flayed Arrow= good st ability but heavy focus drain along with trueshot , aimed shot and arcane shot (This is a problem because right now hunters are having problems in Beta with having enough focus because of increased focus cost for SL)

Necro Lord : Death Chakram = Even better st then venthyr as well as cleave damage . Also throw in 3% focus increase as it does damamge.

So right now for the content I do pve and pvp there are 2 abilities worth my time to use but only one I can pick in order to really enjoy my game play time and my time is important to me . Thing is neither of those abilities are from the covenant who’s look I like the most.

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Unlocking character power from covenants would NOT have any affect on you at all. Prove me wrong.

That’s not playing the game, it’s literately not playing the game.
I don’t know what kind of walking simulators you enjoy, but being strung along through content where you don’t actually participate isn’t gameplay to me.

What? So your saying I can go into a Mythic raid and complete it with the greens I get from questing?
Do you even realize what your saying?

It sounds… Brace for this… Steel your feelings… You’re going to have to make a choice.


Would you stop dictating how people play, you tyrant. How very much dare.

One: You can’t because your ilvl is too low. Two: Good job moving those goal posts.

DO you even look at the info shown to you of what the problems are or are you really that much of a troll that you can only make responses like

I want my covenant that gives me the look I want but I’m going to pick the one I think will benefit me most in game play and hope it covers all of the content I do .

Unlike you who probably like Ralph pays for your key runs.

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That is rich coming from you . You and others are dictating by defending Blizz that others play like you .

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Im not dictating anything, not telling them they cant do it (like some people in this discussion) im describing what their doing which is nothing. You want your game to be a walkthrought, by all means, but your not playing the same game as the rest of us.

What Goal post? your literally arguing that

So that means they are not used to clear content, just to make the player feel good.

Id say you have no clue what your even arguing to be honest.

See, but I can prioritize what I want out of that specific character and go for it. I don’t pine for what’s not possible.

Why waste gold, lol.

So you’re not ‘playing the game’ unless it your way? Sounds pretty suspect. Are you goose-stepping as you type?

So you shifted the posts to gear, which doesn’t help your case because content is locked behind ilvl.

If you think about it, content locked behind ilvl just ratifies that numbers mean nothing because the game gives you a target ilvl to play the content in.

Never mind I just saw your M keys you are right you don’t need gold for your +7 and under runs .

Pretty sure the anti-ripcorders are the ones trying to dictate how people can play the game.

“Oh you like to play a meta? Well Blizz has created a system that prevents you from doing that! This one is more restrictive than any before it! It doesn’t affect me, the player who doesn’t care to follow it in the first place so I’m just going to laugh at your frustration and tell them good job because I enjoy that it pisses you off.”

That’s pretty much a summation of every anti-ripcorders feelings on the topic. We get you enjoy being a troll and drinking the salty tears of people you perceive think they are better than you at the game(which let’s be honest, most of them are) but please stop posting nonsense.

Even Blizzard employees aren’t dumb enough to believe half the crap you’ve written in support of Covenants, and they’re the ones that came up with this terrible system!

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So are you goose stepping as you are going You must play the game our vay now . Nein Nein Nein you are playing de wrong vay you must do it dis vay

But it doesn’t, lol.

Aside from conduits there’s yet an argument that hasn’t boiled down to ‘I don’t like it. It’s not convenient.’

Every other potential argument is over-blown.

Now whos moving the goal post, your argument hinges on numbers not mattering. So why dose the I level matter? If i have a high i level but my gear is all 0 stats across the board I should still be able to clear mythic raids right? Numbers are just flavor after all.

You can twist it any way you want, at the end of the day I say do it.
You’re the one tying their hands and telling them to make a meaningful choice.