
This was fine for the first 432 threads. But that was a long time ago. At some point you just have to deal with reality.

They’re not gonna balance Covenants at all.

They are not getting new people though.

How do you know? Blizzard doesn’t release sub numbers.

So why even argue the case that balance will magically happen if you can click abilities in a menu?

If the class abilities were decoupled they wouldn’t really need to balance and if they did it would be minor.

There is no way they could balance them to the point where they would be palpable that there still wouldn’t be a good or bad covenant choice and balancing them while locked might actually make them worse .

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I’ve never argued for balance. I want the system completely gutted and turned into a talent row.

Its pretty well known that sub numbers have been in a rapid decline for years. They were lucky at the peak they were a powerhouse or else the game would have died out like every other MMO has.

Its why they are merging servers.

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No thanks, talent rows are super boring.

Yeah so is questing content.

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You also might be interested in something called a MOBA, where you can be bland as you want playing against equally engaging people.

MMORPG’s are just not for you.

No raids in a moba. The only content that is going to be good in SL maybe is the raids. So you’re wrong again.

Ah, then your a Raid: Shadowlegends kind of player. I hear you can play that for free.

lol the fact that you think Raids: Shadow legends is the same thing as raiding because it has raid in the title just shows how completely ignorant you are.

Why don’t you go play a game that actually has a competitive PVP scene? Why play literally the worst content WoW has to offer.

Nice ad hominem. You looking for logical fallacy bingo?

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I didn’t insult you. You clearly have a struggle session making a decision, so I’m compelled to offer you an alternative.

I never said it was.

Sure you didn’t. I bet you believe most of the stuff you post…


Then why bring it up when I talk about raiding?

I know, its so bad they have to equalize it so the do nothings can compete with the try hards then he pretends to not like convenience.

Because slaying scripted AI monsters is your speed. Raid Shadowlegends does just that without the pesky need for quests or other forms of content.

The majority of people whining for conveniences in this thread are Mythic Raiders.