
Oh the mighty pvper who thinks he’s better than everyone else. But probably dies to Vex heroic fire lmao. Bro you play WoW pvp as a rogue. You’re about as scripted as the trash in Nyalotha.

Correct. But we still lose the enjoyment of seeing other people punished for not playing the game how we want it played.

This whole covenant issue isn’t about gameplay. The idea of “meaningful” choices was subjective from the very start.

There it is. The ONLY reason you want the system to be locked is spite. Way to go.


You’re clearly the master of your domain with your weak auras and DBM telling you what’s going to happen. I bet Blizzard could bad addons and you’d lose your mind.

I’m not spiteful. It’s not personal, nor is it targetted against any group of players (e.g. top 1%). Sadistic, sure. But I wouldn’t say spiteful. Maybe I’m wrong though, they could be synonymous I suppose.

It’s only spiteful when we do it, not them. ‘Labels for thee but not for me’ and all.

You have it backwards. RSL is about making some choices and not playing the game. It’s the exact part of the game that is uninteresting to me.

Bro your content is literally. Wait in stealth, do opener. 50/50 whether I win or not game ends redo. Real fun game. Honestly dota would be good for you. Their pvp is actually intricate and team based. It’s probably why it’s one of the most popular pvp games in the world only losing out to it’s clone LoL.

Blizzard cares so little about pvp they didn’t even have proper vendors and they have to shadow balance it on their end because it doesn’t even work half the time.

I don’t understand what “them” is doing that is spiteful.

They’re just trying to play the game in a way that we don’t want it played.

Ooh I forgot running around a pillar for 5 minutes. lmao

They’ll (Cutting-edge neckbeards) achievement judge and mock you if you’re not engaged in their content. Case in point, Serkonuis above you.

I’m not CE just tired of people who have no idea what they’re talking about. Covenants are bad for all levels of content.

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And its still more engaging that watching scripted monster’s flail about while you stare at timers and a meter.

It’s time for them to lock these threads. They made their decision. Maybe they will come back to it next patch. I doubt it. I can see it evolving.

World first is a more popular stream than the AWC. I don’t think anyone watches that garbage.

Hell I think the MDI gets more views too.

One is endorsed, the other isn’t. Spoiler, it’s not World first.

If pvp is so good why don’t they design content for it?

Mythic Raiders would cry that they’re getting good loot.

You’re almost right :smiley: Raiding and dungeons are the content people play WoW for. PVP is a gimmick at best and a poorly managed mini game at its worst.

I don’t even have to try hard to win this sort of argument. The content speaks for itself.

Are you even getting a BG this expansion or do you got to wait a few more years lol

It was far more engaging before Mythic Raiders started complaining that R1 Glad Gear was easy to achieve and was the same comparable item level to them.

Mythic Raiders also did the same thing about M+, and now gear drops far less than it did.