
Flying. That is also serious business.

I’m not invested in this nonsense. I’m completely indifferent (even though Conduits could be given charges).

It’s just super entertaining watching the most entitled people twist like pretzels because there’s not enough convenience in the game already.

Ah, right, I get it!

You mean like, where they wrote a manifesto about the design goal behind removing reforging being because they wanted all gear drops to be immanently exciting and available, and then proceeding to introduce conduits, which cannot be used until the following week if you’ve already changed one this week?

You make a good point. Their design goals are rock solid and immutable.

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I dont think thats how they work. They seem very wishy washy. Additionally theyre now in a spiral where they are losing more players than they are getting. Continuing to add new things that unpopular(even within a segment of the player base) isnt helping them.

Sure thing bud. 670 posts with no investment. Totally reasonable.

Also, the discussion has literally zero to do with convenience, and pulling the ripcord would allow for a relative DECREASE in convenience rather than increase? How can you be 670 posts deep and not know that?

Not entirely. I work full time, have 2 kids at home, one with severe anxiety with other with adhd, a sick mother who lives 20 minutes away, my brother has CP and is living with my mother, and I had to move out to the boonies where I know very few people. There’s a lot that can get in the way of having a large social group interested in WoW that has nothing to do with social skills.

At my peak social on-line I was doing mythic raiding. Now I can maybe eek out heroic raiding. But I pay just as much so the equal enjoyment of those who have lots of time an those who have limited time should be respected by all players.

Not advocating that I should be able to do any more content based upon my skill. Just that my limited time is spent doing the activities I enjoy (M+ and heroic raiding) rather than managing other systems and researching what’s the best switches to make before each fight when progressing.

Considering the current direction. I’m pretty sure they are willing to take some sub losses to implement this course correction.

It has everything to do with convenience.

‘Don’t make Covenants ability specific. Give me talents.’
‘Don’t make Covenants a two week affair. Make it instant.’

That’s literally the whole point of #pulltheripcord.

Or how about I keep voicing concerns about aspects I don’t like in regards to a game I over all enjoy .

Oh and how about you and every other pathetic person that goes if you hate the game just quits just shuts up.

You can actually be critical about the aspect of something and not completely hate the over all thing.

There is no you have to either like it all or not at all when it comes to a video game .

I played Fallout 76 for a bit and did not like so I stopped playing . I was never critical about any aspect of the game and fought for change because I really didn’t like the game period .

I’ve played WoW for years and have found some things I don’t like and I am critical about but I still play because for the most part there is a lot I do like .


They always are but you would think they would see the net loss. They do it every expansion and in BFA did it every patch. Thats what I am talking about though, its ego driven. Its their idea so it has to be awesome and you will like it if you try it. Then they get all surprised when no one likes it.

The nature of the beast is, that once a bad idea is in place you just cant change it super fast so you get people that quit and when you change it some of them might come back but some of them wont. And they do it over and over and over again.


Neither of those things are requests based on convenience.

They could separate covenants from abilities, then separately lock covenants permanently and abilities semi-permanently based on balance changes, and it would still be an acceptable change, while reducing relative convenience.

Pulltheripcord is not about convenience; it’s about balance. If the abilities could be balanced against each other, there would be no need for any of it. They can’t be.


It’s a pretty simple gamble. If you get more new blood on the back end because you have a better game, than you lose on the front end pissing people off. You make the change.

You sir, might be an addict.

So much hostility over a kids game.

Quitting is always an option. Remember that.

Damned right I am.

Exactly this .

If they could actually balance the abilities the call for pulling the ripcord would not be needed but we know how bad their record for balancing is.

Pulling the ripcord would actually remove the need to balance because people could freely choose based on content or spec.

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No it’s about convenience, so when balances patches filter through, people can just switch abilities (soulbinds and conduits) without any repercussions.

It’s all about convenience.

Fixed that for you.

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If making choices is too hard for you, I recommend Raid Shadowlegends; it has all the numbers you can fondle without the pesky need to think or require commitment.

Even if that were true, which it’s not, it would be LESS convenience than is currently required, which has lead to covenants being able to be changed biweekly.

Unless you think somehow that:
No changing Covenant ever.
No changing ability except when balance is changed.

Is somehow more convenient than:
Change Covenant and ability whenever you like, but it takes a weekly reset.

I’m not hostile to be honest ,I am just tired of this fallacy of you can only be critical of an aspect of the game only if you completely hate the game.

A person can be critical about an aspect and still like the game as a whole.

I look at it kind of like as some one brings home a supreme pizza do I now have any because I don’t like mushrooms or olives ? Of course not I pick off what I don’t like because the other stuff on it are amazing .

With wow I speak up to get the things I don’t like either removed or changed as do other people . As for a lot of the other stuff the game offers once again amazing.

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Coming from the guy that legit thinks Blizzard will stop balancing if Covenants were freely swappable.