
Thing is the pro ripcorders really don’t want to swap covenants. We want the abilities especially the class ones decouple from the covenants so that we can pick our desired covenants for their aesthetics and not have to worry so much about the player power part of them.

Me I like the venthyr look especially their mail armor but I like the necrolord class ability because it helps with a big issue that hunters are going to have in SL and that is focus.

They have upped the focus cost of some core abilities and lowered the amount of focus rapid fire generates


In a multiplayer game, thats a skill isnt it? I mean, I can log in with a fresh 120 and gear him up in a week or two minus the azerite of course but I could get 2-3 465 azerite by the second week if i get lucky.

Cool. I’d love to see a professional foot ball player raid Mythic Nyalotha his first time playing, doing it successfully with purple parses, and without dying in any boss encounter

Check mate, atheist

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Well, I thought this was all about just swapping covenants and I would be ok if they made them swappable.

Sorry but that is what it sounds like . And from the quotes you posted from yourself under the one you quoted from me that is still what it looks like.

He could do that before you could throw a perfect spiral. Talent in a video game can be replicated.

Haven’t seen a Tom Brady clone yet.

Are you for real? Really though, does your brain work?

Anyone can pick up and play a video game. Being “able to play” is a measure of involvement that has very little meaning to many people doing so. Most people garner atleast SOME degree of enjoyment from engaging with a video game in succeeding at that video game.

There are very, very few things with the title “game” that don’t at their core have a goal or purpose that one aims to achieve as part of that activity. Otherwise, they are just called activities.

As such, when something has a goal or purpose, it is also possible to derive pleasure from achieving that goal in any number of ways; one such way is efficiently or effectively.

If it is not important to you personally that is fine; nobody is saying it should be. It is absolutely and completely disingenuous of you to claim that because at its most basic level anyone with any level of inherent ability can pick up a game and play it, that there is no relevance to inherent ability and the ability to do well at video games.

This argument is just absolutely nonsensical.

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I hardly doubt that. But, I will admit I suck at sportsball.

Playing WoW competitively probably takes about as much time to learn a sport.

Here you go

How to play mage 101


And I don’t want another thing I want to switch between fights when progressing. I would rather the onus of balance was on Blizzard, because it’s on the player now to switch things up when Blizzard fails.

Right now, you may have to switch:

  1. Talents
  2. Gear
  3. azerite traits

In SL:

  1. Talents
  2. Gear
  3. active covenant soulbind dude

With #pulltheripcord:

  1. Talents
  2. Gear
  3. active covenant soulbind dude
  4. covenant class abilities

I don’t want a 4th potential thing that the players must manage. I want Blizzard to manage it. And if that’s not doable, I don’t see the value in adding the abilities at all.

No, it can’t. If you honestly think that it can, you are just stupid. People who perform at the level of professional video game players have incredible abilities to trace information on a screen, interpret it, and respond with hand-eye coordination.

There is no chance that anyone off the street with enough time could replicate the top level video game players, even given infinite time. Some people might, the same as some people might become Tom Brady given enough time and money.


I agree with OP. TBH they need to STOP adding new abilities anyways. There’s way too many to keep up with and I’m running the hell out of keys on my keyboard to bind them too.

Well, we have learned you would know a nuanced opinion if it came up and slapped you in a reply, twice. :stuck_out_tongue:

Children CAN do that because they can sit in front of the computer for eight hours a day. Their bodies recover from that a lot better.

Pro Football is a profession. WoW is just a video game with a bunch of neckbeards that fancy themselves professionals, cheeto dust and all.

It requires a different skillset. Nobody is saying “video games = pro football”. Both are skillsets.

Children CAN’T do it, because they can’t combine the ability to understand and process the information with the physical ability to perform the tasks. Except that some people maintain the innate ability to do so for longer, whether through maintained practice or genetic luck.

I thought this was supposed to be the expansion where they were going to get away from spec focus because they said they concentrated on specs too long.

Didn’t realize that they were actually blowing smoke up our rears and that this was the expansion where they were going to back door spec lock us with covenants.

Whoa, you can absolutely die from sitting at your desk.

It is what it is. We all have to make the same choices.

Quitting is always an option. Or keep on throwing a tantrum over a video game you voluntarily pay for.

Cool story time bro /

I used to be exceptionally good at counter strike. Like amazingly good, x-3 who were the world champions at the time used to log on my server to practice against me and my buddies.

That was 20 years ago, now im lucky if i can be mediocre in wow.

I agree with that. These covenants and the power associated with them will NOT be balanced. You can count on that.