
Being told how to do something and actually being able to do it are not the same thing.

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So it boils down to repetition, then. Good to know.

Oh I firmly believe quite a bit of that comes down to the toxic community that higher end raiding has built itself around. Poor timmy leading a raid guild, when he has no business doing so. Lots of people have sour grapes at this point.

I’ve mentored enough people at this point to have come to the conclusion that at least heroic level raiding, can be done by anyone that has someone in their corner with a little patience and actual leadership skill.

Just because you cannot quantify something does not mean you cannot account and design for it.

As does nearly every skill in existence.

The number quoted for people to achieve mastery at anything is 10,000 hours of practice.

This is mostly a misnomer, different skills clearly have different needs to reach that point, but it works as an idea; repetition is the only way to get good at anything.

How do you think people get better at anything?

A basketball player shoots the ball hundreds if not thousands of times a day to be as good as they are. That doesn’t mean you could mimic their routine and see the same results just because you know their methodology.


It’s just repetition bro.

You are talking to a Rogue that was only hitting around 18k DPS in Mythic+ at 442 item level a month ago. I’m not sure this is the person you should be talking to when it comes to anything related to “skill.”

It’s not just shooting the basketball that makes a basketball player good.

You are too dumb to be posting this confidently

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You’re right; it’s a combination of a variety of skills, preparation and inherent ability, analogous to what you need to do and have to succeed in WoW.

To be fair; his “posting on forums” skill is probably higher than most people here, and rapidly approaching world-class.

They all think its the gear, if they just get the gear then they to will be doing mythic+ 25 and mythic raiding with limit.

What they dont consider is they cant get the gear because they lack the skill to do so.

You also have to factor in height, jump height, arm-span, who’s guarding him, if he communicated with his team or a ball hog.

Physical prowess factors in a lot as well as training. It’s not the same as fondling numbers against a scripted target with scripted AI and fixed health.

Bahahahahahaha. You think it takes ‘inherent ability’ to play a video game?

My friends and I can get you any gear that you like. You can afk the entire time.

They lack the social group to do so perhaps.


Do you think it doesn’t?

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I should tell Muggsy Bogues, Spudd Web and Isaiah Thamas this shocking revelation.

No. That’s why it’s a video game. Anyone can pick up and play.

Just wow, no wonder neckbeards think they’re ‘professional gamers’. The delusion is unreal.

It does effect us.

The value we gain from the system is specifically from the fact that players are punished for playing the game in a way that we don’t agree with.

We want you to only play 1 class, 1 spec, 1 content type. If you want to play more, you either get punished with inferior performance or you’re forced into leveling another character of the same class.

Detaching the power from the covenants allows players to play freely - and the value we get goes away.

No. That’s incomplete and isn’t what I want. And I have been very clear on this.