
And this is one of the reasons I didn’t push past LfR

They have done MM dirty the last 2 expansions and from some of the stuff I’ve seen in the beta hunter thread it isn’t getting better.

They don’t seem to understand sarcasm or satire either. They always seem to take everything you say at face value. Which is endlessly amusing to me.

Because it’s a ridiculously stupid argument.

It’s the same as saying wearing gear is a handicap or choosing the right stats is a handicap.

Picking the right combination of variables going into a given encounter is part of the skillset of approaching and succesfully completing that encounter.

Think of a single sport, on Earth, that follows the same pattern as what you describe; where people who are playing competitively (not professionally, but in a manner aiming to win or be succesful), where it is a thing that people consider it a “handicap” to use the better choice of equipment.

Conveniences are super serious business.

This whole…talking past people sure is cute. You should do it more often.

Yeah man, us hunters have been done dirty.

I’m sick of this ‘bm or die’ attitude blizz has.

Just like:

You claim it’s both. You’re just a contrarian because you’ll argue against anything as long as people give you the attention you want. That’s all this boils down to. You can’t make a coherent argument and when you get called out on it you do nothing but move the goalposts, deflect, change the subject or just straight up post nonsense.

If you need every advantage, and have to cherry pick every single variable. The shoe fits. You can call it optimizing or whatever makes you feel better about it.

Mind slavery to the groupthink isn’t a good look. I would much rather be a contrarian than a sheeple.

I don’t have to; I want to. Because doing the best that I can is fun.

I could play with a half naked character and never both looking at stats or using half my abilities. It just wouldn’t be fun, because I garner enjoyment from playing well, not from randomly playing with no particular goal in mind.

But a garbage fire mage is still better than a garbage arcane mage. Skill is an unquantifiable variable, numbers are not.

Skill is 100% a huge factor. I’ve seen some 480 mages pull absolute garbage numbers.


It’s based on both. You are absolutely fooling yourself if you think skill isn’t a large factor in success both in preparation and in execution in WoW.

Ive seen a lot of people who have the gear to achieve the numbers not achieve them. Its almost as if there is some component that goes along with it… I think it starts with a S, I cant find the word is it skillet, sk something maybe.


I think the word you’re looking for is skill.

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When you have addons that give you boss abilities in real time, and so many guides and videos telling people how to play Flavor of the month classes; a lot of the inherent ‘skill’ gets weeded out.

So what?

Firstly; skill is not unquantifiable, it’s just not as immanently quantifiable as gear is.
Secondly; even if it was unquantifiable, that wouldn’t mean it doesn’t exist or couldn’t be perceived.

This is your perception, which isn’t supported by reality.

If what you say is true, guilds with equal time investment should progress at equal rates. In reality, there is a MASSIVE scope in progression rate for guilds that put in equal time. There is a small degree of randomness in terms of gear acquisition and encounter randomness, but the vast majority of the rest of the difference is skill.

Weakaura’s + Hekili and you can pretty much just autopilot to victory on a lot of classes. No real skill involved.

I do heroic raiding when I can, and mythics. If you mean this toon, I switch mains a lot. I just don’t on the forums. I stopped after AotC Uldir. And if you think only mythic raiders need to, idk what to tell you. Progression is progression at any skill level, and you try to do your best. If the option is there, then it’s on the player to select it. If it’s not there, it’s on Blizzard to balance it.

Can’t trust them to balance it, then the abilities shouldn’t be added, IMO. Because it adds very little if not for feeling like it comes from your covenant. There’s no shortage of buttons for most specs. With covenant abilities and only 2 talent abilities, I have 26 active buttons on my blood DK.

And it’s not like there are Raid Lockouts for Attempts anymore. You can infinitely attempt the same boss over a week.

You right, thats why 95% of the player base gets CE every tier.

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