
I did classic, I’m over it now. I might go back for TBC classic, but that won’t be happening until SLands starts seeing a bunch of people unsub.

No, that’s on the individual.

Just dropping in with a quick message, don’t mind me:

While I do understand where you’re coming from, having people go back an expansion or two to grind 2-4 year old reps is just sort of a kick in the pants. It’s also important to note that Blizzard wants to entice new players and keep people subbed. If Blizzard brought back artifacts in the expansion after SL and required us to go back and grind in Legion, it would be an extremely unpopular decision.

If the devs make a system that promotes grinding for optimal class performance, it’s on the player?

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The player dictates how much time the player is playing or what the player wants to do with his playable character while playing the game.

But the devs designed what’s rewarding for the player to play as their playable player

You’re saying it’s the player’s fault any time the devs make a bad system lol

The thing about grinding is that it’s dependent on the playing grinding the grounds.

Azerite grinding has utterly nothing on Classic, Ever Quest, and even Wildstar grinding.

All you’re going to get is deflection and goalpost moving. If you do catch them in an inconsistency they’ll just say “it goes both ways”. What absolute nonsense.


Uhh, why though? Why purposefully limit people for specific types of content? Whats the point of that? This literally hurts people who play multiple types of content with multiple specs. ITs an arbitrary limitation that has never been in the game before.

Even in classic if you were a rogue, then you were the same in raids and dungeons and PVP. Now your only good at one type of content unless you pick a class who is just lucky enough to have a covenant that is good for them in all types of content.

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You know, I never realised that you can tell how many posts a particular user posts in a specific thread. For example, did you know that this thread, about a topic that is a small issue that doesn’t deserve attention or a thread, Sonechka has replied to 653 times? Or, in other words, 8% of all posts in this thread are by Sonechka?

That is a fact that I learned today. He is only marginally behind Timbaeslice, who does have personal investment in the topic, and does think it is a topic worthy of attention and concern.

Goodness, I’d love to see a thread about a topic Sonechka does care about.

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It’s not goal post moving, you just don’t like that most of your arguments boil down to needing even more convenience for the most convenient MMORPG on planet Earth.

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Meh, you didnt actually have to grind anything in classic except a few reps. At least I didnt and I was still a progression raider.

And your arguments boil down to “it is how it is do deal with it, don’t critique it, it’s your fault for playing the bad system”

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The only actual ‘bad’ system is the Conduits, which need charges and a avenue to shorten the CD of those charges.

Covenants are so milk toast and people still can’t handle it. WoW will never get better if it keeps making concessions for the tiniest things.

Milquetoast btw. Milk toast just sounds gross.

I prefer milk steak.

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Thank you for the entertaining read. I’m sorry these guys didn’t understand what you were trying to say about dps easing the difficulty of all encounters. The higher dps you have in a raid, the easier the bosses go down. So fotm classes are actually a type of handicap for subpar players.

It’s not hard to understand. The entire thing made my morning, with everyone in this thread standing aroung going … huh … dun get it, goalposts moved.

I think he wants the covenant abilities removed from the game.

Personally I find some of them to be cool and seeing how we haven’t gotten a talent row since wod I’d like to see them as one even if it is just for an expansion ,

Maybe may Blizz could make an expansion based talent row .This way each expansion we can get a row new talents every expansion that are specific to the expansion .

We would feel like we were getting a new row of talents but there wouldn’t be the feeling of bloat like there was in the past.

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It’s like they don’t understand why they Sim and theory craft in the first place. But ‘Fire Mage is so complicated!’… spamming two buttons during every Combust. ‘Muh complexity’ is the thing that makes Flavor of the Month, Flavor of the Month.