
Azerite was grinding. Covenants are time gating. People can’t handle either. More conveniences please, I don’t get enough gear just for logging in.

Which is it?

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Expecting consistency from Sonichu is a mistake.

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I just wonder where the goalpost will end up now that I’ve called it out. Make no mistake it WILL be moved.

Both can be true at the same time. But now I understand why you need everything for convenience.

Oh so you go with nonsense. Gotcha.

People hated grinding and felt forced to grind because they’re idiots and complained until they got their convenience.

Pretty soon people will be asking for more consumables that mimick class utilities because their class doesn’t have them.

Have you tried arguing your points without calling other people names? It’s not a good look, dawg.

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This is such a big strawman it might as well be the wickerman.

People complained about drums being nerfed. People also complained about Scroll Stam, Int, and Battle Shout consumables were removed. And the Engineering Battle Rez.

Not a strawman at all.

Keep Nic Cage away from it.

I want insect swarm back. :frowning:

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Play Maldraxxas.

I want insect swarm back and I also would like to be able to perform to the best of my ability. Sorry, should’ve been more concise.

Having fun isn’t allowed.


Oh, so you really don’t want insect swarm back that much. Roger, roger.

…no. I want insect swarm back, not adaptive swarm. Hope this helped.

Legacy servers sound more your speed then.

On the topic of grinding vs time gating…

Speaking for myself here, allied races were a grind that I thought was necessary and to my surprise the reputation requirements are getting removed. Not everyone is going to agree that grinding is fun. I personally would keep the reputation requirements. I just wonder what half these people do most of them must be the people we see in trade all the time, haha.

And about time gating, I think most people don’t want time gating on anything but a loot chest.

They felt forced to grind because the system promoted grinding. That’s on blizzard.