
Correct. Which is why I’m on a Blizzard forum asking them to change it, instead of doing that in an internal meeting.

It’s not about whether I’d be “fine” though. It’s about what’s more enjoyable.

I’ll probably be “fine” just picking Decimating Bolt (Necrolord) and never swapping the entire expansion. But it’s way more fun to play around with all four abilities and test different setups with them.

Just because you keep repeating this doesn’t make being pigeonholed into a covenant any more fun. Keyword: fun.

Thus game is played by millions of people. Just because you find something enjoyable doesn’t mean they do.

Do your best given the rules of the game. We all have to do the same.

Quitting is always an option.

Hot take. You dislike one aspect of the game so you should quit.

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Removing player power from covenants wouldn’t affect you or anyone else. Why are you like this?


It would affect them. It would also give them the opportunity to play around with builds, but they don’t like that. It’s too complicated, or something. Freedom sucks, man.


I will. But I can also ask Blizzard to change the rules to make the game more fun.

They did it for Legiondaries, Artifact Knowledge, Azerite Gear, Azerite Essences and Corruptions. No reason to think they’re incapable of doing for Covenants too.

But those were valid complaints, not ‘change it because I’m inconvenienced’.

Er, in #ripcord speak, ‘Muh freedum of choice’.

I personally don’t like that it’s locked to a weekly timer, so for that reason… #pulltheripcord

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They were exactly “change it because I’m inconvenienced” lmao.

Like one of the major changes for Azerite gear was making it so equipping higher level pieces wasn’t a downgrade because you hadn’t farmed enough Azerite to unlock the extra rings.

How is that not the definition of an inconvenience?

One of the other major changes to azerite was being able to target specific pieces off a vendor for, you guessed it, convenience.

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None of the things you listed are equatable to Covenants.

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Blizzard honestly didn’t think people would be stupid enough to farm Azerite over and over, after telling them not to.

Oof, might want to read through that thread, bud. People already called him out for that BS.

If you believe that then I have a bridge to sell you.

This just in, players enjoy gaining power in an MMO. More at 11.

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Account Wide Essences, reduced cost for off-spec Essences, guaranteed Corruptions from Horrific Visions, Corruption Vendor, Malefic Cores for Echoes, reduced leveling requirements for the cloak.

All convenience.

Change is impossible until it becomes inevitable.

“We can’t pull the Ripcord” has just as much a chance as Blizzards statements of aging like milk as their statements on not implementing account-wide essences did.

So Blizzard changed the system to convenience those players.

Odd, I didn’t think that was possible.

This also breaking, players hate grinding in an MMORPG. More convenience is needed.

You’re confusing time gating with grinding.

I don’t mind grinding. Give me a grind to unlock access to all the covenants. Give me the first one for free, then make me grind the rest. I’m down for that.