
Real classy. I’m sure his family appreciates that you think he should lose his job.

This is a game you voluntarily pay to play. Quitting is always an option.

Don’t like the rules of chess? Don’t play chess.

He’s literally comparing Formula One racing to Street Racing and using that as an argument for complexity, for some reason. Cuz he’s a Fire Mage and spamming Scorch and Fire Blast means much complexity.

When I play Chess, I’m allowed to use whatever rules myself and the other party agree to though.

I’ll often play some pieces down when against weaker players to make the game more fun.

Don’t like the rule where you can turn your pawn into a queen on the other side of the map once a week? Quit chess.

Or that rule where you can only chose to have 2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, or 1 queen. :slight_smile:

Design your wow killer then.

Poor Ion, how will he ever survive on the millions he made working for Blizzard. It’s not like he’s one of the excessively underpaid staff they have on hand. Also, you keep going back to rules as somehow being the arbiter of all that’s correct? History disagrees, my dude. And that’s why people protest rules that are unjust or wrong. Yaknow, like we’re doing right now.

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Why would I do that when I can just ask Blizzard to not implement rules that make the game less fun?

No it doesn’t. It just puts an arbitrary time gate on something that should not have an arbitrary time gate on it.

There’s never been a precedent like this before. We can freely switch specs/talents/gear/essences…basically anything tied to player power we can freely switch. There’s not logical reason for the lock on this one.


You realize this is a video game played by 8 year olds and 80 year olds right?

Stop using strawman to “make your point”. It doesn’t help and makes you look foolish.


It’s rated T for Teen, 8 year olds probably shouldn’t be playing it. IT’S IN THE RULES DUDE! THE RUUUUUUUULES!

They can’t purchase it. They can play with parental consent.

No, they can’t. That’s against the rules.

I appreciate it man but it’s not worth your time. He mentioned a while back that the best specs were easier because guides were more detailed for them too. Constantly shifting goalposts, etc.

Reminds me of the Key and Peele sketch with the telemarketer if anyone gets that reference.

I feel like this is like Dad trying to get super strict with the kids again (vanilla style) and doing it in the wrong way making the situation worse.


Speaking of precedent, lets not pretend WoW is some eternal game that never changes to keep the purity of the gameplay intact.

WoW constantly changes the rules of the game. Basically every expansion, and often several times within the expansion. Blizzard have absolutely no qualms with changing “rules” when they proved unpopular, as they’ve done with Azerite Gear, Essences and Corruptions in BFA alone.

There’s no reason to think that they’d be unwilling to do the same in Shadowlands.


You want to look at Logs? If Fire was that hard, it wouldn’t be overwhelming in number of parses compared to Arcane and Frost.

You can keep pretending that Meta chasing is super hard, since you clearly do it.

‘Spamming Pyroblast and Fireblast during a Combust! So hard, such wow!’

Oh hey, self-spreading Ignite, that seems almost as complicated as tapping Blade Flurry for Outlaw. The level of complicated steps is just wow.

They’re changed by the developers. You’re a consumer. You don’t make the game.

Mythic N’Zoth was beaten by people in 460 gear with rank 6 cloaks and hardly any corruption. You’ll be fine with that one ability which may be situationally better in different types of content.

Again, I’m pretty sure they also stacked the hell out of immunities, not to mention a bunch of their members are critical of the covenant system. I don’t get what point you’re trying to make here? Succumb to mediocrity because you will? Why?