
This is a game. Play to have fun. Why in earth would you not try new things? You can switch, and switch back later.

An ability that excels in M* (AoE) will still be helpful in a raid.

Mythic N’Zoth was beaten by people in 460 gear with rank 6 cloaks and hardly any corruption. You don’t have to be “max” all the time to do anything in this game.

They also needed what, 10 immunities?

Waiting is NOT fun. It’s waiting for the sake of waiting. Time gating for no reason.

I do. I enjoy being strong in this game.

Because there’s a 2 week lockout on switching back?

Who said anything about picking an ability that excels in M+? What if I picked a Covenant that has almost zero healing applications and I decide I want to play Mistweaver on my normally Brewmaster monk?

But I enjoy that. I don’t like being weaker than I have to be.


You and Tim have saint-like levels of patience. Props to you guys, really.

That Strawman though.

Not my fault you suck at it. Must be super hard spamming Fire Blast in those combust windows, knowing that an Arcane mage of better caliber and playing flawlessly would still be lower dps than you.

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As a DK everyone is picking one ability. Night Fae for PvE, Necrolord for PvP and depending on if you prefer BoS frost builds you go Venthyr. Kyrian is so bad chosing it will make you a pariah among DKs.

The “choice” most of us in here have been asking for is seperating power from asthetics withing the covenant system and a way to use different covenants for different specs in multiple types of content.

How the powers and utility of the different abilities function for different specs in different types of content is a problem that’s obvious to anyone who’s played with these rental power systems over the past 2 expansions.

The only people against it are too dense to understand or just want to watch the World of Warcraft burn around them because you take pleasure in a system that punishes people who enjoy playing the meta.


That would be an analogy, not a strawman.

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No that’s a strawman.

No, its an analogy. Let me give you an example of a strawman:

“OH, you want to change covenants? Then that must mean you also want to switch classes at the click of a button.”

See the difference?


It makes your choice more important. Games have rules. This is a game. You aren’t being picked on. We all have the same rules.

You’ll still be fine.

Get used to it. We all have the same choices to make.

I thought I was supposed to play the game for fun. Or am I supposed to play the game according to your idea of fun?

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It’s a crap analogy that’s a strawman.

A better analogy would be that the Fire Mage is an updated Formula One car, while the arcane mage is an outdated one; regardless of player/driver input, the updated car has a natural edge by the setup alone.

Logs bear this out. Average arcane mages do considerably worse than fire mages despite the variable of skill. That’s why they’re Flavor of the Month specs until Fire gets nerfed.

Doing more damage makes content easier. This is literal fact.

Lets all face the reality here: at this point Ion Hazzikostas should be fired.
He is completely out of touch with the gaming industry not just WOW.
He should have been fired for BFA an expansion worse than WoD. Now he has lied to us about the ripcord. His completely ignoring player feedback.
His dev updates are just idiotic at this point, Hes development concepts are contradicting itself and lies.

  1. people are forced to play the coven which is best suited for their progression (raid, M+ or pvp) at the sacrifice of being able to pick their preferred RP cosmetics and storyline which is the opposite of what blizzard said they’re trying to do.
  2. They promised to “balance” all the covenants, but Like asmongold pointed out how are they going to balance the covenant abilities when one is a teleport and another is an absorb shield?

SL is looking like a repeat of Bfa and most of us already wasted our money, and we need to push for changes inside bliz to get what we want. IF WE DONT THEY ARE GOING TO DO THIS AGAIN NEXT EXPANSION. #fireion #firethewatcher


No…we really don’t. Rogues choose serrated bone spike. Warlocks choose decimating bolt. Resto and balance choose convoke…if you wanna go feral, thats too bad. Why do some classes get a correct choice and others don’t?

You’re going to play the game by the rules.

It would be fun for my rogue to have gpyro or my monk to have stealth. I can’t because it rules.

He says, literally 5 posts after I explain what a strawman is. Go check it out, dawg.

Which is why we’re asking to change the rules, because they suck.

I want access to the new four Warlock abilities in Shadowlands. I’m perfectly fine with not having access to either Rogue or Mage abilities.

And that’s still a strawman, bro.

I’m not your brother, dawg. And it isn’t, its still an analogy. I’m not arguing whether its a good analogy or a bad analogy, but a straw man it is not. Bro.