
I’m sorry, but if I can kill the boss faster that makes the content easier right? That’s why you have Sims in the first place?

So why again do you think locking people into Covenants is a good idea?

Player power is clearly a relevant thought on the majority of players minds, so wouldn’t locking Covenants be y’know, contradictory to what most players enjoy?

Here we go moving the goalposts again! Oh boy!

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pull the ripcord and burn borrowed power to the ground.

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How is that moving goal posts? The more damage you do, the easier content is. That’s why you have meters, sims, and all the junk in the first place. It’s the ‘competitive edge’.

No, if they chase trends, they chase whatever happens to be in power that patch. Once the patch changes, they change. Pretty simple.

Nothing at all in your original post did you link the boss dying faster = easier.

You tried to make the link that stronger classes were easier to play and weaker ones were harder and more rewarding.

Grow up. You can’t make these kind of comments on a thread where your thoughts are posted in text.

A lot easier to gaslight in person.

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That is a universal truth. The more damage you do, the faster things die. The faster things die, the easier the content.

That’s the point of Flavor of the Month; do the most damage with the least effort.

You’re in your own class when it comes to moving the goalposts. You even manage to avoid apologising for saying something incorrectly.

I’d really prefer if you just made your own thread and left this one.

Having to do dailies and such to level 1 covenant is fine, sometimes even fun. If I had to do 2-4x that much in order to be viable, that’s not fun (for me). By making it “optional”, it makes it a requirement at some level of play. The onus to bring yourself to the right amount of power will be more important than personal choice. If you are not allowed to swap, the onus is on Blizzard to balance them.

I would much prefer the latter, and failing that, the abilities and powers entirely removed. Because I want to use my limited time for fun things, not grinding things.

In case anyone needed a recap on how Sonechka moves the goalposts.

I’m not apologizing for something that the community created.

Are you that upset that Flavor of the Month is literally that; the OP specs that are easier by default because of simming and theory crafting.

Not my fault there’s a Meta that reinforces that habit.

News flash your chosen covenant is going to send you out to do dailies for the other covenants that you don’t chose . You will not get renown towards those covenants but you will build up rep . So why not allow that rep towards getting the class abilities from them ?


You’ve yet to answer how you manged to pivot from easier classes are harder to play and more rewarding to content is easier to do when you play stronger classes.

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The easier classes get highlighted first:

Face it. Sims and Guides make Flavor of the Month possible AND it highlights which classes are the easiest to do well in with little effort.

He even explains how to get into the class while your playing it.

You’re wrong here, just flat out.




Are you even talking about.

Nothing about what you said answers how a bad dps class is somehow magically harder and more rewarding to play than a strong class.

Is there a website showcasing the dps rankings for all classes and covenant choices? I’d love to know.

Icyveins has one, but It’s subject to change dramatically by launch.

Flavor of the Month specs are the easiest to do, that’s why they’re FLAVOR OF THE MONTH.

Because sub-optimal builds are harder to pull off than meta ones. People get more of a challenge doing well in those builds than following a Guide or consulting something like Blood Mallet.

And they’re also harder to do because they do less DPS by default, which means they have to work harder than the Flavor of the Month specs.

God you’re a clown just leave man. I’ve had enough trying to talk sense with you.

FoTM specs are FoTM because they’re the strongest class/spec at the time. Blizzard are awful at balancing. There is no connection here if they are easy or harder to play than a non meta class.

A non meta class doesn’t mean it’s magically a 500 IQ brain spec to play. Frost mage 1 tricks exist because they play like a Vanilla Mage with 0 thinking.

A FoTM spec working as hard as a non meta spec will absolutely dumpster a non meta spec.

It’s nothing to do with effort. If someone rerolled to play a FOTM spec they are already by default putting more effort into the game than a lazy non meta playing spec/class is doing.

If you’re happy handicapping your raid by bringing 30k dps less than your other spec that’s entirely on you and you alone.


I want to be a FOTM spec at some point


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