
I’m not. I’m telling her that theory mongering really only affects Mythic and +16 or 2000+ type of content.

Which isn’t the majority of the content.

Yeah, this isn’t becoming a thing sorry.

People look up theory crafting at their own accord. Nobody is joining LFR and bullying people into doing TC.

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I’m not stopping them. You don’t necessarily need icey-veins or blood mallet or raidbots to get through most of the content. Not saying she can’t use it, but its not that serious.

Number fondling had a much better ring to it.

My cat loves chirping at magpies. Will never go near them, because he instinctually understands that magpies are the devil.

But he’ll do his weird “eek eek” chirp from a safe distance.

You’re trying to though. Most people like playing what’s good.

Good is subjective. You want to chase numbers, here’s a calculator. Some people like making their own builds.

Do you see us out here harping on about how you should play the meta or quit the game? No.

Seems like you’re feeling a tad vulnerable.

Not to most people it isn’t. How often do you see Sub Rogues floating around?

I did not say anyone else was arguing for that. I am saying it logically follows that if the choice of 2 abilities between 4 choices is a problem, the choice of tens of abilities across 12 classes is a much larger problem. And I was being hyperbolic to show the example of how little this will matter in the end. “at all times” used to mean access to be able to “swap” all your buttons to a given class at any time.

Indeed, like classes. None of this is a unique problem to classes, other than being “borrowed power”.

Oh oh i got this.

You’re just making a minor issue into a larger one.

Judging from the Beta, a lot. And do you know what’ll happen when Blizzard nerfs them? There will be a lot less.

Chase numbers or die from them.

What minor issue? Covenants having abilities locked behind them In my opinion is a serious enough issue to make a thread to discuss the problem about.

If you don’t agree, that’s fine. You’ve well and truly said your piece and you’ve convinced negative amounts of people (Zulu swapped sides).

Maybe you could make your own thread?

So what you’re saying is that strong specs are popular and weaker specs are less popular.

I’m glad we agree.

And create even more spam? No thanks. And it IS a minor issue. The only thing that needs looking at is the Conduit lockout, nothing else.

nooo that’s not true you can do heroics and +13s with bad specs it shouldn’t matter!

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Or strong specs are easier, and thus more appealing where the weaker specs are hard and thus more rewarding.

That just sounds like the same point, just reworded.

Fire is infinitely more difficult to play than Arcane and Frost, what are you on about LMAO

Hey guys just because something sucks it means it’s super hard to play! Like how Disc priest is sooo much easier than holy priest LOOOOOOOOOOOOL


So when that happens and and they switch to a spec they don’t particularly like you win because their game gets ruined …

Yup the guild name fits

Why do you think they’re called Flavor of the Month? Everyone has a better chance at clearing whatever their doing by default.

Why do you think there’s such a cry every balancing patch that rolls through?

Disc priest is considered the hardest to play spec of all the healers. It’s rewarded with strength when played well and punished by poor healing when played poorly.

There is not a single shred of evidence to support “stronger = easier”.

You’re embarrassing yourself again, making a mess.

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