I mean, Ruin Gaming is known for the “real” PvP with multiple raids running roughshod over entire zones giving Alliance the chance to quest without horde interference!
Too bad when they take over zones they end up phasing every non raid member onto a shard filled with Horde
I am wondering how is this thread still a thing despite there being no ripcord apparently?
Anyway my thoughts are if the casual player base start to complain about the covenant system, then I have no doubt blizz will change their stance. For better or worse the Pull the rip cord seems like a “1% of the player base, min/max the fun out of the game” type problem.
It’s is the casual players, the players who don’t regularly watch WoW youtubers, who don’t browse the forums etc… it is that playerbase that has the most power.
If that is the case, then we should see a lot of complaints from the casual player base once SL launches. Right now it is speculation, well reasoned speculation, but speculation at best- it has not been “debunked” as the majority of casual players probably don’t have beta access.
We will see if you are right come SL. November should be interesting, if the forums are flooded with “I got rejected from X group content because I am not Y covenant” then I am sure there will be some “magic ripcord” ready to go.
Sentiment still exists. The Ripcord still lives on in everyones heart.
*inspirational music plays *
Yeah, but those type of players have no idea what’s coming in October. I predict around mid-ish November, you’re going to see a lot of threads from the kind of players who don’t obsessively refresh WoWhead to see the latest beta changes, running into the flaws of Covenants that we’ve known about for months.
Are you missing the point of the clip? It’s about how I support the ripcord not being pulled until 9.1 so everyone in here and not in beta can experience first hand how bad the system is.
When did playing sub-optimal builds poorly become fun? Even the most casual player should want to strive to excel in the content they participate in. Even if it’s LFR or Random BGs I’d wager most players want to do well and top the meters, get the most kills and actually do well in comparison to their peers.
Really I have no current mythic raids . Have done all of mine post expansion .
The highest I ever got was AOTC for HFC . I have no mythic keys for bfa yet I support the ripcord .
I base my choice on what I think will be fun for me . I think having the option to try things out sounds fun . I think being able to pick a covenant and stick with them through out the expansion and not have to worry about player power would be fun .
Wouldn’t not adding new covenant abilities be far simpler than adding a new set of abilities a player has to manage on a per-fight basis? As far as I am concerned, the ripcord solution is to make things more complex as a player. I’d argue without much added value.
How is choosing 2 covenant abilities rather than being able to switch between 4 sets of 2 covenant abilities enhancing class identity? I don’t really see how they’re related, given the abilities will still feel like each different covenant, due to styling.
That sounds like something Tommy would do. Although he’s a strictly in doors cat but we have a cat netted outside yard area he can run around and chirp at birdies.