Trinkets/weapons aren’t what pvpers are upset about.
SInce Legendaries are craftable let there be pvp centric legendaries that have the pvp stats.
relax there buddy thats sounding too nice to ever come to fruition
No ones going to craft a PvP Leggo, gl with that.
There is, but I’ve long given up on WoW as a PvP game.
You can go the scaling route. You can go PvP Power/Resilience route, or you can go the stat template route.
Anything is better than the current method of doing your weekly +15 invalidating virtually every aspect of gearing in the game.
Maybe not. But the sentiment still holds true.
M+ as a system has completely broken every aspect of gearing in the game, but PvP is easily the worst affected by it.
I’ll be first to say it.
You realise one of the legendaries that is being touted as our bis for resto shaman is the Earth Shield legendary which is primarily going to be used for pvp.
if this was a PvE centric game then why does blizzard want people to use War mode so much and BFA as a whole xD
If they thought they would be useful for pvp they would just like people are going to do them for m+ and raiding.
Why would you have a PvP Legendary with Resilience when a PvE Leggo is as powerful as raid trinkets?
Do you even know how legendaries work in shadowlands lmao
I know it’s not nice to bring the logic gun to the troll knife fight.
Im not talking about Legendaries in SL. PvP is going to be garbage in SL, so why would you even draw inspiration from it?
You’re in a thread discussing Shadowlands.
Maybe it’s time to pack it up and move on Sonechka.
Yea, but PvP is going to be trash in SL. You want to look past that, bro.
PvP In Shadowlands is going to be much better than BFA.
I’m looking forward to it and will try to push for Gladiator.
I’m thinking Sonechka packed it up and then smoked it .
Why draw inspiration from a terrible expansion? It’s almost like he wants PvP to fail.
Have you just changed tunes to the entire expansion being a write off? I thought your side was the one saying well if you don’t like it just quit.
I can’t wait for Shadowlands arena. Bring it on, we’re also going to have a rated BG team.
How the turntables.
SO you admit SL is a terrible expansion and you want things like covenants to be locked and don’t think people would craft pvp legendaries .
Is this because you want it to be a bad expansion for players ?
Does this mean the mission of your guild a is to actually ruin gaming ?
i havent liked pvp for years it used ot be the only thing i did. those were wod/mop days. pretty sure SL will be 10x better than leigon and bfa