
I like the way this hairball thinks.


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Weren’t you talking about “pug stars” in a response to me? Is it “pug stars” or “number fondlers” that are inconvenienced? Are you finally admitting that pretty much everyone is inconvenienced by it but you’d rather continue trolling this thread? Good for you!


Pug stars and number fondlers can be both synonymous and not everyone at the same time. Do keep up champ.

Fully agree with the OP. I’m borrowing someone else’s youtube comment:
"Leave out all the complicated player power systems and give me in one (xpac):

  • 6 new raids with interesting bosses
  • Equipment with a history that doesn’t feel like it came out of the Walmart grab box
  • 15 new dungeons
  • challenging content like mage tower / Thorgast
  • continuous class adjustment and balancing, not only every 2 years
  • some love for pvp players"

I honestly think that’s really all most players want.
And given how terrible Blizzard is with class balancing and how many specs there are now in the game, how did they think they could make the covenant system work in the first place? They can’t even make all specs viable for all content (raid + m+ + pvp).
Once something looks strong (eg disc priest in m+ on beta), they swing the nerf hammer so hard - we’re back to druid for m+. :joy:


Flush the System.

Agreed. I’d rather see it flushed than restrictive.


Agree Lucrend.

I’m starting to think Ruin Gaming means ruing the fun for other players (no matter the content)


Don’t matter people are pulling their own ripcord… SL is looking pretty bleak I think with sub. Hence every time you log in or go to a google search for something they’re sprouting off about purchasing SL and a count down timer.

Unironically might the only way Ion sees his vision of what WoW should be is not realistic.

Poor PvPers. Blizzard would rather them get crapped on by random idiots who do their +15 a week rather than make it so a PvPer has the slightest advantage in PvPing.

That started ages before when Mythic Raiders complained that Glad Ranked gear was on equal terms and Blizzard nerfed them.

Was never an issue when Resilience and PvP Power were a thing.

Except for Trinkets and Legendary Weapon, but they’ve always been stupid.

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That’s exactly what you said:

Options are options - for all the reasons and scenarios I already laid out. Players will have the option to think, choose, and customize for a wide variety of combinations. There is not “correct” answer.

Covenants being restricted will funnel more into a “meta” because players won’t have the freedom to test things out for themselves.

If players are able to switch them, they can IF they want to and will have to think more about what and why they’re changing them. You know… meaningful choices.


All of these systems need to be destroyed. Enough with these borrowed power systems that they constantly have to fix.

If they didn’t have to constantly fix these systems they keep giving us they could actually put more time into content instead of removing a patch here and there.


There’s no real work around for PvP in a PvE centric game. It’ll never happen.

First of all “random idiots” is not an appropriate wording. Different players have different preferences. For someone who just does PVP, a +15 is hard. For someone who never touches PVP, a rating of 1900/2000+ is hard. Secondly, it’s not about advantage, all sections of the game should be rewarded equally well and that’s exactly what I meant with some love for pvp players. I got a casual rating of 1800 and got 480 Azerite from it, but the rewards should obviously exponentially increase to the point where a Gladiator gets similarly good gear to late Mythic bosses.

Like Awkward said, the solution is literally resilience/pvp power lol.

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What do you do about the Trinkets and Legendaries?