
At least the approach is new besides ‘level your ten, pick your ability’ for twelve years.

“Level your ten, pick your covenant”

With soulbinds, conduits, and legendaries. There’s literally a second talent tree.

Making it a talent row would allow for those abilities be balanced without any kind of serious damage to the players choice (Unlike when you pick a covenant currently)

So what’s you’re saying is that it’s the same borrowed power system we’ve had for the past 4 years and some change?

Soulbinds have been nerfed so heavily now they are barely minor azerite traits
Conduits don’t even work on beta yet properly and don’t have the leveled ones yet and we’re 6 weeks out from beta ending. They will be a balancing nightmare.
Legendaries everyone has a BIS or two options at max.

Wow so fresh ~~

Then change the numbers if its ‘unbalanced’. But ‘balance’ is another one of the subjective perspectives because no one has the identical idea of what ‘balance’ should be.

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I’d be more in favor of a talent overhaul to be honest. I was never fond of the MoP-style talent tree.

Having something similar to essences, with maybe some points to invest in “upgrading” them as you want could be kind of cool.

People have already picked their covenant based on initial information, any balance after the fact invalidates the meaningfulness of my choice.


Live by numbers, die from them.

I mean, you could apply that comment to basically anything.

New zones every expansion? That would get boring after a while.

A new expansion every couple of years? Who needs that?

Sarcasm aside, I’m not saying that there needs to be a new talent row every expansion, but if they are going to add something that could essentially be condensed into a row of talents (because that’s about how interesting most of the abilities are) then they should treat it like one.


So what you’re saying is it’s okay for people to pick for aesthetics but it’s not okay for people to pick for power?

Are you just overtly coming out and saying you want to spite mythic raiders anyone who wants to have the strongest version of their class for their content of chocie?

I thought it was our choice to pick for power if we wanted? Now you’re saying we should expect mud on our face?


Quantity ≠ Quality

This makes no sense. Are you saying we need less flexibility with classes specs? Flexibility is good for specs but not for abilities that are almost spec specific? I thought only “number fondlers” cared about being good not “pug stars”?

I said RUIN is full of lowest common denominator trolls and inferred they suck at PvP.

You’re toxic based on the comments you’ve made thought this thread changing your tune on the reasons covenants should not be easily swappable.

It doesn’t matter to you if you have the objectively worst covenant abilities for your class if you get to pick the asthetics you like. It’s obvious you prefer them to stay locked because being a contrarian and attempting to push people’s buttons and “trigger” them is fun for you. Anyone with half a brain can see this.


I’m saying there’s consequences for chasing numbers just like there’s consequences for picking aesthetics.

Why do you want Meta chasers to have literally zero consequences but everyone else does?

How does pulling the ripcord create consequences for anyone else besides having more freedom exactly?


What consequences do people who pick for transmogs or theme have?

I’m not following your point here.

There ain’t not ripcord, chief. If anything gets pulled, it’ll be the entire system.

People who pick a Covenant for aesthetics would have the consequence of being ‘sub-optimal’. Why should meta chasers not have any consequences chasing numbers every patch day?

Okay, but consequence implies negative affects. People who pick for aesthetic don’t care about numbers.

So by your logic, people who pick for numbers have the consequence of potentially looking like garbage aesthetically

But they chose to pick for theme, and it has nothing to do with the original point we discussed.

The original point is there will be post release balancing changes, so people who pick for power are impacted.

Imagine if covenants get their transmog changed two weeks after release, that would be a fair comparison.

You’re muddying the waters.


And this is exactly what is being discussed, I’m going to have to play the covenant I do not enjoy on my first shaman. I want to play Kyrian or Night Fae, not Necrolord.

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No, it’s cause and effect. Consequences are relatively neutral.

‘Garbage’ is subjective. But mostly on point. That is the cost of trend chasing.