
That’s strange, it’s not showing up on check-pvp. fr

Maybe you could weigh in on that character because you don’t have the 2k 3’s achievement. Strange !

Yes and I said it’s not ideal but other things are more broken. You cant be that dumb?

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I get that, but once again, you’re in the wrong thread to talk about pvp, bud. You want me to point you to a thread about PvP, by all means, ask.

You guys are just raging nerds who get mad over a different opinion.

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This coming from some one that called people here with differing opinions then your’s dumb as sticks .

That’s rich


You wouldn’t lie on the internet would you Ssmoke?

Please hop on the character who is 2100s in 3s, Looking forward to seeing your reply.

Otherwise stop trying to get any kind of input on PvP.

I can take a bottom teir class/spec and whoop your mains butt in dps. 100% fact

Does your paladin raid too? Perhaps you can show some logs. Looking forward to your reply.

Yikes just checked out your druid.

Best heroic average of 49.7 percentile in heroic. Not looking good chief. Outlook not looking too bright for you to

Pvp community must rally together right now - #417 by Gëne-stormrage There you go, bud. Go complain there for PvP.

Keep raging nerds lol, #nosuchthingasaripcord, Morons

Why do these replies sound like an angry pre -teen

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Thank god you continue to ignore replying to me to reveal yourself as delusional and a liar.

Don’t worry though he’s 2100 in 3s.


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lul both you tryna pull up without the Master of Strands of Ancients achieve. sit down nubs

You know it’s really easy to swap characters.

I appreciate you continuing to dig yourself into a hole while bumping our thread but we’ve got other more credible trolls to deal with.

I’m a total noob to PvP I only started 3 weeks ago.

News flash if there was no possibility of a ripcord or they weren’t possibly considering it , this thread would of been closed by now.

Since it is still here that means it is being considered and that they are only launching as is because they hope the system works. Even they know they may have to change it .

Maybe this is a way the mods are showing quiet defiance in support of Pulling the Ripcord.

After all I’m sure a lot of them are players also.

For Mythic and Mythic + 16. You’re kind of taking the argument out of context when you don’t mention the cutting-edge minigame in your claims. :laughing:

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Nobody picks any of the mentioned classes in keys either. Serious groups will be baffled by these specs considering how good Fire mage, BM and Outlaw is in keys.

Whenever I pick a warlock I feel gimped because we don’t have enough interrupts in the group. Add that with another ranged that isn’t a shaman, and you’re boned in pugs.