
It’s beta, it’s beta. The beta turns to 9.0, and so on. Just like with azerite gear, right? They didn’t get it right until 8.3. Then we had another unbalanced borrowed power system that wasn’t thoroughly tested, aka corruptions.

If you really trust Blizzard to balance all these abilities before the game comes out, you are very sadly mistaken and delusional.

Id rather azerite gear over a broken PvP system. (Anyday)

You completely dodged my answer and derailed yourself, thanks.


I also didnt say the word balance one time.

Because you’re inserting things I didnt say at all.

You’re talking about game breaking things. Thus, it’s balance and number tuning. Good job lying and being a hypocrite, bud.

Post my whole post. I said its not ideal, Moron.

You know people have bringing up issues with these borrowed power systems since Legion Alpha and the responses have always been

It’s only Alpha wait for beta

It’s only Beta wait for ptr

It’s only PTR wait for the first live patch

It’s only the first patch wait for patch x.1

Are you starting to see a pattern there?

We are trying to break Blizz of that pattern of giving us the systems broken . Because when they finally do fix them and they always do I can tell you what they are going to say because they pretty much do it every time.

We didn’t know the systems were bad no body said any thing and our response will be what do you mean no one said anything ? We’ve been telling you since the alpha and the beta.


The people that comment here are dumb as sticks. I swear it.

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whats dumb is assuming blizz will fix things after beta

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For Mythic Nzoth, these is the 95% Percentile Parse + How many registered logs there are for the fight:

Assassination Rogue: 87,974.73 (1,820 Logs)
Sub Rogue: 86,099.73 (34 Logs)

Fire Mage: 111,605.75 (7,146 Logs)
Arcane Mage: 92,187.74 (63 Logs)

BM Hunter: 106,769.75 (8,396 Logs)
MM Hunter: 88,766.22 (43 Logs)
Survival Hunter: 89,410.73 (34 Logs)

Guys it’s only 10-14% (Based of boomkin numbers) It’s fine! Can’t you see how little this is nobody even cares about numbers that small.

Blizzard is asking for us to trust them but outside of some sledgehammer nerfs to early azerite traits and then corruption they’ve done nothing to inspire confidence.

Really ?

You pretty much said it’s beta so it shouldn’t matter.

Beta is the time they should be fixing things like the borrowed powers not after they launch and people start to leave.

Nothing I have said is factually wrong because it is has actually happened that way since they brought these type of systems into the game with Legion.

Or are we dumb as sticks because we think different then you?

Great news guys, we made T/E :clap:




I get why people are doing it. What I’m saying is shift your focus. PvP is literal trash right now. I gem I’m weaker. I lower azerite Ilvl to drop my total Ilvl and I get stronger. I hit you for 100k and you take 25k damage because you’re weaker. PvP gear doesnt exist. PvP stat doesn’t exist. Corruption is gone soon which is good. You guys have no clue. This game is far more broken that you think. You just focus on another class that’s doing better than you in a raid. That’s how players that are always bottom on the charts think. I can play " The worst class" and still beat you in dps.

First of all. The one percent are not affected by this, they will always find a way around it. If anything, casuals, and people who have less time to play or put in the effort are more effected by locked covenant than anything else. Also, the 1% are the one’s testing the game for Blizzard, moron, and finding problems with classes, moron.

I do agree with you on pvp scaling though, Blizzard has definetly neglected PvP, but if you want to talk about PvP, go to a PvP thread. Like, I’ve already said, you’re derailing #pulltheripcord because of your own negligence. There’s a thread for PvP, maybe go look it up, moron.

I don’t mean to be that guy are you posting from a different character or something? The highest you’ve been in 1556 in 2’s.

How are you going to weigh in on the balance of PvP when you’ve barely stepped foot in arena? Are you talking about BGs? World Pvp?

What character are you raiding on?

How is what you said make any sense. It wont affect the 1% but you listen to the 1%? You guys really get mad over a different opinion don’t you?

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To be honest I am not a hard core pvper more of a random guy but I still like to do the best I can do and would like an ability that I think would work better then one that let’s say I would take for a raid or a mythic dungeon .

This thread isn’t about opening abilities for just raiding . It is about opening for all content pvp and pve as well as opening for hybrid classes.

If you want a thread about pvp issues by all means make one about it .

This thread is about covenant choices being locked and the push to have them unlock .


Im 2100 in 3s. Horde paladin.

It doesn’t affect the 1%. The 1% will just roll four characters in all four covenants. Were not the 1%, most of us are casual raiders, and see the borrowed power system for what it is. Complete garbage.