Wildfire infusion is so much fun, I played survival for BoD and got some nice orange parses.
I doubt I would end up playing with anyone in this thread too many players in the game for it to be anything more than random chance
I mostly play with friends or guildies so I wouldn’t want to raise any Horde hopes too.
After the Saurfang cinematic, I’m pretty sure Horde players are incapable of having hope or optimism.
I consider BFA story fanfiction.
I mostly play with complete randoms except when the guild needs a tank.
My old guild would finish raiding for the night and I would immediately join a pug raid for more gear
Let’s just ask chromie to rewind to 5.4 and start fresh.
We’ll kill Kairoz before WoD can happen.
I’m going Venthyr because it is the only mail armor I like plus flayed shot fits with the mm sniper fantasy but resonating arrow with the non los abiility and the chakrams from Maldraxxas look like they would be fun in bgs.
Yes let’s just do like star wars and reboot with something else. Garrosh was never wrong and we kept him as Warchief.
Are you implying that being able to easily switch between these things would improve the game?
Darned elitists! You’re just trying to take choice out of the game! A choice that’s totally arbitrary and nobody cares about, but you’re taking it away, dammit!
Going Kyrian because their rogue ability looks pretty useful for the Outlaw Rogue setup.
It has also impacted queue times for PVE and PVP. BlizZard has developed layers of systems that heavily penalizes players that play multiple specs as you have outlined.
Yes, smaller guilds are impacted far more by this current model they have adopted. It works in Korean MMORPGs because what you grind on a single “spec” is for long term and you truly become a speciaist.
WoW does not have this with specs as they are just watered down version of classes. These water down version of classes is why BFA felt flat. A return of class unpruning is good but a lot of class and spec defining abilities are still missing.
And the inability to flex from tank to heals or DPS puts a harsh opportunity cost on hybrids.
For pure DPS you are forced to choose between raids or M+ for your best.
Not sure why BlizZard thinks this is healthy for the game. I would argue forcing people to play a single spec is indeed degenerate and against the spirit of which WoW was founded upon.
This is also why I have argued for a long time that WoW was once an alt driven game compared to other MMORPGs. The closest that people had alts in other MMORPGS like Lineage 2 was dwarf alts for crafting weapons and soul shots or even adena generation.
I’m still hoping we will see Bobby Ewing come out of the shower and realize BfA was just a dream.
I said it in other threads, when I would pug raids I would take 95% rankings melee only and 85% ranged dps. Would often add a warlock just for summon.
Have fun with your useless steward giving you healtpots on the healtpots cd.
Those healpots wipe bleeds. You darn straight I’m going to be using them.
But the healing would cover the bleed dmg. Kinda overkill imo. xd
Not when you’re trying to hide from the Feral that got his bleeds on you.
They really like to punish alts, lately. I seriously don’t get it.
Hey I am casually elite . I violated the first rule of being casual . I actually killed LfR N’zoth . To them that makes me elitist
I mean the problem is you met a feral, just don’t. They don’t exist. It’s like saying to watchout for survival hunters. I get your point, but what’s the chance I meet a unicorn in real life? xd