
Whirlygig best map. Only the chaddiest go mid.

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Oh since it hasn’t been said for awhile in here just let me add



Signing the petition

Seriously covenants are terrible to be linked to player power. I want to try for gladiator this expac so I guess all my choices are already made for me.

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To be honest since I am changing jobs and no longer restricted due to no longer being a part of management from the company I just quit after 9 .5 years I am actually hoping to get back into harder content like above lfr raiding .

I’m hoping unlocking will help with that along with my other favorite activity random bgs.

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I would be willing to be RL money its changed by 9.1 if not before to where you can just swap it on the fly.

You’re the only one in here that’s ever asked for it.


Not sure what you mean here. But if covenant choice is a problem, and class choice has the same problem, does it not follow that all characters should be able to swap class abilities? What is the distinction?

Well, ironically some MMOs are starting to move in that direction. As I understand it FF14 has you level up a class (job) individually so you don’t reroll your character for it.

With that being said, the difference is that it’s a single layer to this issue, it’s something that is commonly accepted because it’s done on character creation. Covenants are, then, an additional layer on top of that, which makes it worse.

Sure, people could argue that classes should be swappable, but it wouldn’t be a popular one and I think it’s safe to say most ripcorders (myself included) wouldn’t be in favor of it. BUT, there’s no reason to add an additional layer and make that any worse than it already is, especially when you consider that Blizzard was trying to restore the class fantasy in shadowlands (You’re still a mage even if you’re a frost or fire or arcane mage.) Covenants work directly contrary to that stated goal. What was the point in unpruning the classes when they wanted to go this direction for the game?

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This is goes to exactly to what I have said about Covenants being a back door way to spec lock us


This is a role playing game.

When you think about it covenants are just a less shiny artifact weapon.

Just going to circle back and mention how ironic it is you’re now bringing up people hiding behind alts when the main aggressors in this thread have mostly been unleveled alts or classic avatars.

Thank goodness we’ve got our first classic avatar on team ripcord.

What? You’re the biggest instigator in this entire thread. :smile:

I just get the rando wierdos that get triggered by a Guild Name.

PTR = pull the ripcord.

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99% of people commenting here don’t have the beta.

99% are beta.

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Doesn’t mean we don’t go and check out what the people testing the beta are saying . I especially check the beta hunter forums because that is what will affect me the most .

I see where you’re going with this, if everyone had beta nobody would be able to support keeping covenants as they are.

Good point.

Pull the ripcord


I don’t agree with #pulltheripcord. The covenant abilities aren’t that big of a deal. 2 you can’t use during combat because it lowers dps because of cast times. The other 2 do nothing. As for soulbinds. They’ll nerf and buff that stuff like crazy.(which is not ideal but its not a huge deal) You guys are over reacting. As for class changes. The mains I play feel amazing. Feral Druid, Ret paladin, Havoc DH and BM hunter. Stop listening to the 1% who mean nothing in this game. 1 or 2% dps isnt a huge deal. The uproar should be in the PvP depeartment. When someone hits a player for 100k and that player he hit only see’s 25k damage or the scaling Ilvl crap that people exploit. The lack of testing with something like corruption, Put your focus were it belongs. It’ll help this game a lot.

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I’ve already posted information from the boomkin discord alone which shows the damage difference between the best and worst covenant ability to be 10% for ST and 14% for AoE.

No idea where you are getting 1 or 2% from. Warlocks are currently at 20%~ difference for ST from best to worse.

Please if you’re going to post numbers in this thread please provide any kind of numbers backed evidence or avoid the thread.


Reminder arcane mage, mm hunter, sub rogue and demo are 5~% behind their other specs in BFA and aren’t picked for any content literally ever.


Yes, but it’s beta, You do know that right? I like how you pick something from my post and don’t post the whole thing. I said it’s not ideal but it’s not as game breaking as other current stuff in the game. Shift your focus on stuff that’s actually broken.