
Again I didn’t complain about WPvP, just stated facts about your troll guild and how they engage in WPvP vs how it used to be in Vanilla. Keep making those :clown_face: comments though. I’m sure they make you feel better about being a :clown_face:

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But what about this argument doesn’t apply to class selection? I mean, you could totally tune your numbers to insane lengths if only you had every button from every class at all times.

Edit: Sorry, submitted early.

My point is, this is such a marginal portion of what makes your character viable, it’s only really going to be truly detrimental to those in the top raiding guilds. And that sucks. But it’s a fun system for me, personally, and I think a lot of people. And I don’t think you can satisfy both.

You came at me off-topic, so clearly you’re triggered just by the RUIN tag. And you’re salty enough to badger about something completely irrelevant than the topic at hand.

So you keep hiding behind that alt, you brave trooper you.

Class actually works the way many people are asking covenants to work.

You level a paladin and a rogue to max level.

You can swap freely between the 2 without a time gate and pick up right where you left off.

No one is asking to have all abilities/soulbinds/conduits from all covenants at the same time, just like no one is asking to have all abilities from all classes available at the same time.

You earn power through each class/covenant and then you can freely swap between the 2.


You’re the biggest troll commenting on this thread. I think someone said you’ve posted 500+ times in here? I was just warning a newcomer about not engaging with you since it’s a road that always leads to a dead end :clown_face:

Sorry if making fun of your guild was a “trigger” for you to engage with me. :wink:


I hate it when people use these words. Because usually when they’re said, some people are. And often loudly. You mean you’re not advocating. Which is cool.

You mean 4. This means for someone like me, with more limited time, I need to keep up with 4 covenants to be the most viable in all situations. And that’s not fun. It also takes away form the “covenant fantasy”.

I would rather everything except the aesthetics were removed than have to worry about more than 1. But this is the crux of the problem. What I want doesn’t match what everyone wants, just as those who want a free-swap-any-time system doesn’t work well for others. There will be winners and losers in this, in terms of enjoyment. Kinda hoping for the best in that they can balance things.

Post count equals trolling now?

You came at me because of my Guild that you keep comparing to Vanilla for some reason, but you’re not Horde, so for some reason thinks Ruin is a troll guild?

I mean, what?

Find me a group of people on these forums, reddit, twitter, etc. that are asking for ALL abilities to be accessible all at the same time.

If you’re going to make it out like that’s what is being asked - then show a reference supporting it.

I’m simply stating that that extreme of a request isn’t what’s been presented.

For covenants - thats the maximum, yes.

But in reality it will likely be less than that. It just depends on how the covenants/class/spec combinations pan out.

If someone raids as a tank and dps’s in Arenas - they may only have to worry about 2 covenants.

If they tank/heal/dps or dps in multiple specs, then they’ll have the OPTION to earn their way through multiple covenants IF THEY WANT. They won’t be restricted from doing so, but also won’t just be given the powers for nothing. They still have to earn them, which I think is fair.

Not what I am saying. I am saying to be able to switch between them per-fight, at-will.

Options become standards. Not having the correct talents is a problem. Covenants working like talents will be the same problem. If you are able to switch them, you will have to. And balancing will be less important. So it moves the onus of change on the player rather than balancing the abilities. I would rather they balanced the abilities or got rid of them so it’s not an issue.

Again sorry if I am confusing you. I’ll try to make myself as clear as possible.

Your number of posts and the content contained within it equals trolling. The spam invitee, lowest common denominator, troll, garbage PvP guild/community is reason enough for anyone to know exactly where you’re coming from on the matter of locked vs unlocked covenants without having to go through 500+ posts of troll comments from a :clown_face: player like yourself.

It’s pretty obvious to me the only reason you want covenants locked is because it makes you feel good that other people are mad about it. That’s fine, you can admit you enjoy being an jerk. Just come out and say, “I’m a jerk and I finally get to shove it in the players faces that I perceive are real elitist jerks.”

If you had a better attitude towards people within the game and on here you might realise you’re part of the WoW community that is actually toxic and trying to make this a worse place for everyone.


Guess what if you want to do content with other people especially if it is their group you are going to have to anyways or pick a covenant for one type of content .

If you are one of those that think they will have to take me no matter what covenant I choose guess again . The only way you can guarantee that you will be part of a group with your chosen covenant is to make your own group .

A guild that’s so garbage that we not only have guilds across multiple servers, but also clear out PvP Zones and have open invites to anyone in Custom Group Finder, when everyone else complains about Horde.

Spare me.

Covenants are locked because there’s enough flexibility in the game as it is. It only effects pug stars the most, which is a good thing.

I don’t know how RUIN is toxic because it happens to exist. You’re clearly jaded about something if it bothers you that much.

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How, again, does this not apply to class choice? And how do you address it when there is an issue with class choice? And why can’t the same method of addressing it apply to covenants? And if not, are covenant abilities/soulbinds really worth the additional player headache of managing these systems?

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There will always be an issue with class choice . Some classes /specs will be chosen over others . Covenants being locked in just compounds that issue.

So why make the issue any more difficult just open the class abilities up . Worst case scenario things stay the same but on the other hand it might open up classes/specs to things they may have been rejected from before.

Right now it is going to be you’re x class and you have taken y covenant .Is your choice going to benefit the team or cause the others to have to double their effort because of your choice. Unlocking those abilities people won’t care what covenant you choose because they know it is pretty much an aesthetic choice that will have no bearing on your game play .

I guarantee you if Blizz would of just made the covenant class abilities talents instead of part of the covenants no one would of even cared and gone separating them takes away from the covenant and makes the choice meaning less .

Covenants would be meaningful with or without them .

There are groups that won’t care. To those people struggling to do content because they’re a warlock or not a meta covenant or whatever, I say go find one of them. It’ s far better when you don’t have to deal with the pug life anyhoo.

People here won’t be happy until we’re playing faceless shapeless blobs. I’ve seen people arguing for swappable classes and races here too.

Agreed. And having to level up to 4 covenants so you’re viable is a problem. 2 is a problem for me. I don’t want to. It’s not fun. I want to pick one and go. There’s no need for more complex systems that require more time from the player.

Not sure what you mean here. But if covenant choice is a problem, and class choice has the same problem, does it not follow that all characters should be able to swap class abilities? What is the distinction?

So you’re saying that covenant abilities are so core and important, 1 of 5 people in a dungeon group would make everyone else have to do DOUBLE the work? Sounds like a system we can and should do entirely without.

Why do we need new abilities at all? Or even abilities that half the effort of 4 other players if they are chosen? I mean that sounds like terrible design.

Agreed. The simplest solution that works for the most number of people would be to remove all covenant power. Unless they can balance them for all classes/specs reasonably well.

I really won’t have to . I have a good guild we are pretty inclusive of others play styles but now and then there will be times when I will be on by myself due to work schedule and may be doing other content then what others in my guild are doing at the time where I will be pugging. Guess what if they choose to not take me I am fine with that . As for making my own group yes I could do that too but to be honest I’m a hunter and you never let the hunter lead :grin:

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“Who pulled?”

“The hunter’s pet, and then he barraged Misdirected the tank.”

Hey, Fall Guys is a great MMO!