
imgur. com/q4TpiBV

Proof I once did PvP at a much higher level than you ever will attempt. If you want me to take another one with where I use my orb of deception in the exact same mog/same place I can do it since I’m sure you’ll tell me it’s not me. Have a nice day troll.

I’m going to walk my dog.

Hey, this player you’re talking to COULD be a mythic raider. They just don’t want to. They have REAL skill!!

The more I see of SL, the less happy I am with covenants.

I would like to base my decision on how fun the covenant abilities are. But I simply can’t find any covenant where the covenant ability and covenant class ability are both fun (for me). In every case for all class/specs I’m interested in playing, a fun ability is always countered by a bland ability.

For example, protadin. The Kyrian covenant class ability (Divine Toll) looks ridiculously fun, but the covenant ability (Summon Steward) is bland and underwhelming. The Night Fae covenant ability (Soulshape), on the other hand, looks very fun and very impactful. To maximise my fun, I would dearly like to have Divine Toll and and Soulshape. And if these were just two additional lines on a talent tree, I’d be able to. But because of the mechanic of having to lock in a covenant, I’m pretty much forced to chose a less interesting ability. It’s just a matter of deciding whether that less interesting ability is going to be my covenant ability or my covenant class ability.

I just don’t understand why Blizz think this is a good thing. Why create a system in which players are having less fun? It seems weird.


Yeah sorry, I try not to straw-man.

Yeah it sucks because there’s no good answer for both the top-end guilds and the more casual players to both have fun.

Yet, you still got wrecked by a 40man WPvP raid. Wipe the salt off, get some friend, and then come back to us.

Your picture means zero.

To be honest just separating the covenant class abilities for your class and making them work with the soul binds of your preferred covenant would actually alleviate the need for Blizz to actually have to try and balance the class abilities for each covenant because people could easily change based on content or spec.

Now some may work good for more then one kind of content or for multiple specs but they may not be from the covenant a person truly wants to play .

I wanted to go venthyr because I liked the look of the armor and the flayed shot looks cool but I’m probably going necro because after reading the Beta hunter thread they have increased the focus cost of a lot of hunter abilities causing hunters to be focus starved . After doing a little testing on ptr I have been able to see it first hand.

The Necro Lord class ability gives a boost to focus .

Throw a deadly chakram at your current target that will rapidly deal (50% of Attack power) Shadow damage 7 times, bouncing to other targets if they are nearby. Each time the chakram deals damage, its damage is increased by 15% and you generate 3 Focus


This would allow players to make meaningful choices, experience all questlines, and still have a great role-playing experience being a part of their covenant of choice.

It’s so mind-boggling that this wasn’t how the system was designed from the start.

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Yes and this is coming from a semi-casual player that was full on random bg lfr hero in BfA .

They would still have to balance them. Just because there’s more flexibility does not mean the balance gets better.

I’ve already seen and heard from many casuals AND role-playing fanatics to know that the whole “hate for the top 1%” thing was a joke.

In the end - they actually get punished the least. It’s still annoying for them, but they’re in a position to easily work around the system more than everyone else.

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character power was an awful design choice. I want to play a specific covenant, but the abilities in another are better for my the types of content I do. Not to mention to people who play all of their specs, trying to figure out which one is the right option is a nightmare, to a decision that should be fun.


No they wouldn’t because when a person chose to do pvp they would pick the better pvp ability and if it was a raid depending on if it was more of an aoe raid or a st raid they would pick based on that.

No they wouldn’t.

Have you seen our talents today? The reason they don’t “HAVE” to balance them is because they’re easy to change.

I don’t think that’s the right mentality to have - but balance becomes less necessary when flexibility is available. It’s just nice to have balance so you can pick and choose based on personal preference rather than performance for your guild/group.

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The first time I turned my warmode off was when RUIN 250v1’d me . That’s when I realized wpvp was not worth the effort anymore. At least not in Nazjatar. I don’t run into the huge RUIN groups outside of nazj.

Took them a good 15 mins to kill me because the lag was so bad.

The choice would be about as meaningful as gear. You just pick the best ones.

There’s never 250 raid members, ever. At most there’s 40 per shard, across about five or so shards.

I haven’t been “wreaked” by a trash “attempts to” ruin gaming guild. As I stated before my experience with them is being spam invited while trying to level Alliance characters.

Pretty sure the real salt is coming from you with how combative you are when anyone puts you on blast. I have a trophy proving at one time I was in the top 0.5% of Arena players. Keep telling yourself you’re a real PvPer though. As long as you feel it’s the truth that’s all that matters in the end :clown_face:


People who try to put me on blast, but complain that there’s WPvP. Ok bro. You keep holding that pointless trophy.

You would pick based on personal preference and have the option to consider taking a personal sacrifice for the benefit of the group.

Are you looking to parse? You can make meaningful choices to support that goal.

Are you looking to prog on a new raid boss? You can make a meaningful choice to support the success of your raid even if it means sacrificing personal performance.

Are you looking to just have fun and try something different? You can make a meaningful choice and try something different to keep the game interesting.

Are you looking to test and experiment with a new build you think would be good? You can make a meaningful choice and invest hours trying out something novel that may feel and/or perform better than the current “meta”.

Are you looking to help push a new key level and your group could use more/less of x utility/performance to deal with the dungeon and/or affixes? You can make sacrifices and take something that may help with that.

There’s no “right/best” choice with so many variables and things to think about. The ability to think and make a choice that will influence success is what makes choices have meaning.

Players will be wrong a lot of the time, but at least they’d be able to think and decide for themselves if they want to rather than having some log site tell them what to pick - which makes the "choices’ meaningLESS.


Nope there were 250 of them all on the same shard. General chat was blowing up about it and the WeizPvP addon was in the 250s. All of them had some variation of RUIN in their guild name.

God, I think my phone is about to break. It’s never ran this poorly before. Guess that’s what I get for dropping it.