
Look in a mirror? At least we know the lock-in is going to be at launch.

How? We world PvP? If you can’t pvp than it’s a you issue.

im pretty new, started 2 months ago maybe. So far in BfA one of the things that makes me enjoy this game the most is simply my class/spec. I play fury warrior and I love it. Something else that makes this spec feel fresh to me is changing my talents for mythic plus and raiding or pvp, and even changing to arms, those things I love. It gives some kind of class or spec diversity and when I play different content I get a different feel to combat.

So shadowlands gives us essentially a new talent row, but you can only choose one talent every two weeks and its tied to a cosmetic/lore faction. For example, Im zandalari troll so id love to go necrolord bc of bwonsomdi, but id also love venthyr for the blood troll quest chain. I also like venthyr condemn for raiding, but I like the night fae/bastion ability for M+ and the Banner would be cool in PvP or maybe on Prot warrior. The problem is they give us this new talent row but they are discouraging class/spec diversity for people who want to do other content or play other specs. Why?

But honestly what confuses me the most about all of this, is the fact there are people who are actively against changing those talents to encourage class/spec diversity for different content. Im new so I know things i say or my thoughts on this game are pretty insignificant but I just find it so mind boggling how anyone could be against a change to a system that promotes class diversity while still maintaining a meaningful choice with respect to Lore or Appearance.

My main reason for making this comment is for people who are truly against the change to make classes and specs more diverse, explain why they would be against such a beneficial and fun change to the systems.


I’m not even the one identifying the points, I’m just repeating what monks have been telling devs for months. And their idea of balance was to slap the mana cost on it and make it so it spawns under our feet instead of 5 yards from our character.

I’m probably getting away from myself a little here, but monks have far more serious issues than just their covenant choice. And if Blizzard can’t fix my class, it kinda feels like they aren’t going to fix our covenants.

Right on queue! You have 550 posts on this character and you started off posting on another one. I’m not even in the top 25. Tf you mean look in the mirror?

I consistently get AotCs and clear heroic, and I am for locked covenants. I also time 15s, though not much higher than that.

Of course you’ll say my opinion still does not matter because apparently even heroic raiding is worthless and doesn’t count, and I am not a cutting edge mythic raider.

Yes WPvP in retail WoW is alive and well where your troll guild forms raid groups to plow through unsuspecting small groups of players then talk about how amazing you are. I’ve been spam invited to a RUIN GAMING guild before…pretty sure anyone on a populated Alliance server has.

You’re not engaging in the TM vs SS battles of Vanilla, but keep telling yourself you’re a great PvPer or whatever else you do to make the game enjoyable. I just never realised some of you took the trolling so serious that you’d bring it to the forums as well.

That isn’t diversity, that’s making it all the same. It’s exactly the opposite of diversity. But perhaps I don’t understand exactly what you’re advocating here? It’s a little unclear but felt like you were advocating being able to switch covenants for different content on the same character?

Not at all! And anyone who says otherwise is just gatekeeping.

If we could freely switch anytime, then the problem is definitely mitigated. It’s the restrictions that end up creating the problems and watering down the system.

Isn’t that the point of Wpvp? Really?

Oh, you’re just salty you can’t PvP.

But you can. Just not for every fight. You can change to each covenant ONCE for free. So if you made a bad initial choice, you can switch. If you want to switch back to a covenant you left, you need to do the quest thingy.

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That’s not something that can ever be balanced, because it’s designed entirely around different modes of play. The grabby hands is incredibly disruptive to dungeons, because you have no control over what it grabs, adding in mobs you were trying to avoid.

On the other hand, it’s great for Battlegrounds and world pvp because you’re locking players near you.

That’s not something that can be tweaked with numbers, it’s something for a completely different game mode.


Thing is even the pro ripcorders don’t want to switch to a max potential covenant .

We want the player power aspect like the covenant class abilities to be separated from the covenants so that we can pick the covenant whose look we prefer. Now it is a case of picking one based on what will have the most useful game play aspect for any given content and if you play more then one kind of content or spec you may have to make multiple toons of the same class or spec. Play both factions and you are looking at doubling the amount.

Our way let’s you pick the covenant you want and lets you have the ability to change what should be talents for the content you do or the specs you play on one toon.

When people said they wanted more alt friendly they didn’t mean hey Blizz we want you to make it so we can have tons of alts of the same class /specs .

They meant we want it more alt friendly so we can play more classes


i think i know what you mean. so for example me choosing the same set of talents for m+ and changing to the same set of talents for raiding isnt technically class diveristy? that what your saying right, which i agree, thinking about it now that isnt really class diversity, your just using the same talents for different types of content but not the same talents for all content.

And im not really suggesting free covenant swapping, i think that would be pretty bad. Id rather it be a lore/appearance choice only that cant be changed. like horde of alliance but not quite as massive as those two major factions. Honestly i think the covenant abilities should stay exclusive to covenants, but class abilities just added as a new talent row would be nice and create a lot less friction when wanting to change your “power”. Like i think a 2 week cooldown on essences would have been a complete nightmare. Thats just me though idk im new so maybe im biased in some way for sure.

It doesn’t matter either way bud. What matters is if your opinion aligns with theirs.

Where are your receipts?

Oh that’s right you’re scared of getting death threats in game. Methinks someone is projecting…

To be honest I consider AOTC/M+ 15 pretty casual content as well. It’s harder content, but still casual. I barley play this game and managed to get AOTC in Nighthold and was doing +20s in Legion when I actually enjoyed how my class played. I was casual then, and am SUPER casual now just focused on mog collecting.

It’s not about your opinion’s not mattering. It’s that your opinions based on logical fallacies aren’t valid.


Turns out, through skill, I have been able to control it pretty well. Because it has a range and you get to learn about it. Also, on boss fights with adds, it’s amazing. Disrupts casting and such. I really enjoy it.

It’s mostly a utility ability. So you’re right! But I chose it and am learning how to use it well. To say there’s no PVE situations where it’s a good choice is silly.

I didn’t say there’s no PvE situation where it’s a good choice. I said it’s designed around entirely different gameplay.

The point is that this isn’t something you can balance with numbers, it’s a completely different mindset and function. This is why Blizzard made talents something we could change, because there are things designed around certain environments and not having access to those utilities does not feel fun.

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Sub-class system ? THere has always been a sub-class system , they are called specs and this was supposed to be the expansion where they were going to get away from spec focus and focus more on classes. Instead we get this back door spec lock in called covenants.

Here let me answer the obvious response.

But but they gave abilities for the specs to share.

Arcane shot : Useless for Surv because they are melee

Eyes of the beast : Can be useful for all if a pet is out but not that great for mm using lone wolf .

These shared talents they said are for the entire class is comparable to when they made Surv melee for Legion and were giving MM some of the old RSurv abilities.

They kept their word and they did but in name only because none of them were the same abilities in use that they were when attached to rsurv and were so bad that none were taken . No granted Lock and load and explosive shot are still around and I see those being used less and less .

I still feel it would be better if they changed the abilities and/or tuned them to make them less activity/spec specific. I’d rather have a couple extra abilities that don’t matter much and keep the aesthetic choice, just so you can have a tweak on your identity.

If they can’t be balanced, dropping the abilities and soulbinds entirely would be preferable to making it something else I need to worry about min/maxing.

Fair point. I still like the flavor it adds.

Totally agree with all this. Wouldn’t be my response, but OK. I mostly don’t want new abilities. I have 19+ abilities I need to track and use on my blood dk. It’s a bit much.