
Gonna let you in on a little secret .

This game has never been balanced and never will be . Oh and guess what unlocking player power would actually remove the need for balance because people could chose based on content or by what specs they play .

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But it won’t.

Kinda defeating yourself here.

It’s the other way around, and as a result, unshackling the choice would have little impact.

The limitations/restrictions are what’s influencing the balancing. Once they’re balanced, it won’t matter if they are free to change because the balancing has made it so that (ideally) there’s no huge advantage to swapping around.

Allowing the easy swaps actually lessens the need for balancing. The covenants being balanced just ends up being a bonus.

How does the system limit player power?

Any character can select any player power, and rotate it on a bi-weekly basis.

How would separating player power from Covenant choice change this limit?

It wouldn’t. It would actually give Blizzard the option to make the choice MORE strict, rather than less strict, since they wouldn’t have to give the option to change Covenant due to the implicit imbalance in powers.

If Covenants and powers were separate choices, Covenants could be locked permanently and powers could be locked permanently outside of balance changes.

There is nothing intrinsic about this system that limits player powers, all such limits are arbitrarily created by Blizzard, and could be arbitrarily continued without making the decision a regret-laden one.


I’m going to teach you something. Game being balance is not the same thing as the game changing base off design of what the players can’t and can’t do.

You know that right? I am sure you do.

Also, a perfect balance game would be boring. I am in the boat that meta shaping is part of the spice of mmos.

Either way, I am just saying that it is a bold face lie to say that having the systems open up for everyone won’t affect the people who don’t want it. It is bs and you all know it.

holy smokes this thread is still moving strong

It doesn’t because they still keep the limitations they enjoy.

Holy smokes this thread doesn’t matter. Blizzard is going to do it their way.

Lmao, none of them do.

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The only way it will affect you is if it doesn’t punish people that don’t play the way you do .

If you don’t have a problem with others playing differently then you it does not affect you .

So please just once in this thread enough with the jibberish and come out and honestly say you want it locked because you are spiteful and want to see others be punished for not playing like you

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How does it? By making it pick what you want to be stronger at. It also reflects on what types of groups you make. You might not be good at aoe, so you want to build people with a faction that has stronger aoe focus. To make up for your weakness. Instead of being able to switch to be like ok, well this group is strong with aoe. I’m going to make it stronger by switching to this side cov power.

Second off, it would just make the covenant a faction grind, a fancier one that has no real meaning. It would make the system just like azerite armor, are we just going to play it safe in every mmo? BFA was legion light, at least Shadowlands are adding systems that are new with choices and limits.

That’s literally what they currently are.

If that is what they are, you would not be so upset with them.

The only part of them I’m upset with is blizzards inability to balance anything and that they actually believe they can get it right this time.

I couldn’t care less about my strengths and weaknesses. I’ll still do the content I want to do regardless.

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Maybe it is time we all put Khaelyn on ignore . All he or she is going to do is post more jibberish saying that their strawmans are proving their point despite the fact that they aren’t

I also find the whole balance thing to be silly, but I guess I can understand why you might not like it.

Myself? I like that balance shifts all the time. If the game was perfectly balance it would be dull, and it just can’t be done. We have meta shifts, and such and that keeps the game fresh.

So to be upset with a lack of balance is just…strange to me. I mean we could say Blizzard is slow with changes sure, but I think people don’t understand how dull wow would be if it was balance how they wanted.

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I mean if this is all you got. You are doing me more of a service than yourself to be honest.

I like meta shifts too and I think there should be more of it. But I think that should be with the classes and specs, NOT with third party sources such as covenants, azerite powers, and corruptions.

It would be more of a service to the thread as a whole to ignore someone intentionally trying to derail the thread

I don’t personally need nor want every power in the game to be full switch on the slide. The game has got to the point that nothing matters anymore, its all handed to you on a golden plate. Its become boring and less rewarding.