
I have no power alone but as a group we become powerful and as it has been stated many times to you in this thread . That power has always resulted in Blizz eventually making changes to these systems.

All we tried to do is fix the problem before it became an issue for everyone at launch .

Now after seeing how much content you do on this toon , I agree it won’t be a problem for you because rping in the Goldshire in on Moon Guard these systems won’t affect you.


Climate change is not a good example - although I’m sure many people, including myself, think that it should be considered in a similar vein. Covenants don’t have the “option” to deny that the Jailer/Maw exists and that it’s threatening our world.

But even if that was the case - if a “Superman” came to help us combat it, the organizations from each nation would very likely teach Superman about the science behind climate change and give him access to the technologies/strategies that we have at our disposal that we’re trying to use to combat it.

An alien Invasion similar to Zod/Buggers/Independence day is more aligned with the current Shadowlands threat. But the idea of helping to allow a “hero” to become equipped to combat that common threat is all the same.

You. Have. Not. Proven. Anything.

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Well since I taught you all your stances are silly. That they are clearly wrong. That what you want does affect everyone else in a game balance.

I’m just going to say this. If the system changes later on. I would be fine with that, but guess what? That is after I had my fun with a system I would enjoy. Here is the key thing about us. You all want it changed now, and not let us who might enjoy it. Get some time to enjoy it.

That is why the main key thing here. All your points are silly, they get disproven, and every time it gets counter. You ignore it, and deflect.

Absolutely does not.

Not one time has this happened.

You keep saying this yet never actually disprove any points.

Really? So I will ask again. Are games balance around limits place on players yes or no?

That is it. That debunks every single thing saying that it does not affect the players who want the limit.

But nobody is asking to remove every limit ever? What’s your point?

Can’t prove anything to the cognitively dissonant. It really doesn’t matter what the dude says. You all will never accept anything but your own vision.
There is no back and forth discussion. It’s like 5 of you making fun of one dude.

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I’ve been trying all day. You’re right on that one.

All you have taught us is you are good with typing jibberish nothing else.

And all that jibberish is just an attempt to derail this thread .

It is not working because even if they don’t agree with us right now even Blizz knows deep down we have made valid points and are just going let’s give it a try now , hopefully the system will work .

That is why this thread is still going strong.

So the game is balance around the covs being limited.

So to unshackle that choice the game would be balance around it. Thus affecting players.

Common sense?

That simple logic blows the whole. “It won’t affect you”.

Now explain this.

Instead of just saying something, try explaining it.

Have you seen the marketing for SL? The whole thing is dead set against what you want.
Check out the choice and consequence spread in Pcgamer.

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The game is not balanced. Period.

No, it doesn’t. This, specifically, is the straw man.

The existance and necessity of limits in games in general has no specific relevance, at all, to the outcomes of this specific limit in this specific game.

English isn’t your first language, is it? That’s the only way I could see you continue to repeat this over and over again when it is completely illogical to a native English speaker.

Are you kidding me?

How this game is balance affects everyone.

I don’t even.

So, no, you can’t explain how freeing up player power affects everyone.

Spoiler; it doesn’t.

Again yes it does. This SYSTEM limits players powers in a way. Thus they will design gameplay elements around pros and cons of said system. Content will be made with design of said systems. If the game system says that we could switch to all these spells at any time. The developers will design content, or balance the game with that in mind. Thus affecting EVERYONE who plays.

You all know this, but you don’t want to say it because it blows up the core of the ripcord logic.

Your ripcord is done for now.

They’re doing that right now. /Shrug

Yes? That is why saying that having all the choices open won’t affect me. I just easily defeated with simple logic.

Glad you understand at last. Took awhile.